
Revision 5 as of 2008-09-04 00:32:03

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About me

  • 23 years old, Tunisian, living in Tunisia.
  • Student in Medical Biotechnologies.
  • Using exclusively Ubuntu since more than a year. I was running on a DualBoot before that since 2005.

  • I'm trying to contribute in Ubuntu, even if i'm not in Informatics. My goal is also to spread the slogan : Ubuntu is for everybody on earth, not only for the Informatics professionals. Smile :)


  • Informatics.
  • Biology, psychology, geography,..
  • Reading
  • Cinema
  • ...


  • Email: rafik.ouerchefani(at)gmail.com

  • IRC: Rafik on freenode : #ubuntu-tn #ubuntu-locoteams and other channels.

  • Launchpad page

Ubuntu activity



I'm one of the core members. I lead the team to be approved : When discussing the loco getting of CDs, I knew that the team had to be approved. Since that, I began the work to build the approval application with a first mail on Mai 16, 2008 and a second two days later calling to collect all the informations. During the physical meeting of June 8th 2008, pen in hand, I was asking the presents one by one to finally fill up the approval application and submit it to the LoCoCouncil.

In the team, I'm a person who work on keeping the Ubuntu spirit and guiding the members to the existant ressources about the community.

Some of my contribution in the team :

  • I designed the logo of the team (It was my very first contribution :), a little one but I'm proud of it Smile :) )

  • Coordinator of the Web & Tech Work Group. Mission : Organize the work on the group and insure the harmony between the members.

  • Coordinator of the Redaction Work Group: I'm creating the documents and sharing them (using Google Docs mainly) with contributing members. Most of time, I'm doing the work lonely.
  • Main architect and developer of the Web Site. I recently sent the aplha version to be published. As I worked lonely to the present, I'm looking to found a Web Team to continue the developement and insure the administration of theproject in Launchpad.

  • IRC Operator at Channels #ubuntu-tn et #ubuntu-tn-meeting. My presence is nearly permanent ( when I'm on my computer at least Smile :) ) to offer support *whent I can* and essentially to give information about the Ubuntu community, the LoCo team and Ubuntu in Tanisia.

  • I have redesigned the wiki pages relatives to the TunisianTeam. I proposed the Idea in the mailing list and I have been the main actor.


  • I'm encouraging the Tunisian people, for their arabic identity to be involved in the Ubuntu-Arabic project

  • Forum Administrator: http://forum.ubuntu-arabic.org/ I'm working on integrating the Drupal theme in vBulletin. Forums will be launched soon.


I pulished much article in relationship with Linux/Ubuntu. The more important are :

  • "Ubuntu est il fait pour moi" : Linux + DVD Magazine 05/2008 (With this article, I got a one year subscription for free Smile :) )

  • "Ubuntu-tn LoCo Team officielle" , Tunis Hebdo . The Ubuntu-tn team approval announcement. I included a presentation of Ubuntu and Ubuntu-tn. On the http://lh6.ggpht.com/alaya.zied/SI792nMpSoI/AAAAAAAAAGU/xnSZ5QPa8nk/s400/tunis_hebdo.JPG, I'm the third on top right.

  • "Linux Vs Windows le combat continue",Tunis Hebdo. Generalities on Linux vs Windows the a comparaison between HardyHeron and Vista.

Future involvement

I'll be continuing publishing Articles. I have some in stock : * "Le piratage nuit à l'OpenSource et profite à Microsoft" !: Explication du comment ( windows à 1 dinar pourquoi donc oser l'open source, c'est risqué =>les gens deviennent accrocs à windows=> ils vont payer la licence un jour ou l'autre ) + critique légère du piratage en Tunisie.

  • Faut il oser le passage de Windows à Linux ? Pour rassurer les lecteurs à l'égard de Linux/Ubuntu.
  • Comparatif : Micosoft Office et OpenOffice.org : Comparatif pour un usage basique à domicile, dans l'esprit du précédant article windows vs linux

  • Qualité des logiciels libres face à leurs équivalant payants: On parlera des bugs, des plugins, de la compatibilité, etc. On parlera aussi, en guise d'exemples, de photoshop vs gimp, premiere vs inkscape, IE vs firefox, ... dans l'environnement Ubuntu évidemment.
  • Other articles... Actualities...

Other future involvement

  • Insure the development and the administration of ubuntu-tn.org and forum.ubuntu-arabic.org
  • Publish a universal document about LoCo Internal structure (Inspired from what I proposed for the TunisianTeam (How to work on group, how to prepare meetings, etc...)

  • ...
  • Continue the work I do now !

