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Rafik Ouerchefani

About me

  • 24 years old (and growing), Tunisian, living in Tunisia and studying Medical Biotechnologies.
  • I'm using Ubuntu since Feisty.
  • I'm trying to contribute in Ubuntu, even if I'm not in computer sciences. My goal is to spread the slogan : Ubuntu is not only for geeks but also for every person on earth,. Smile :)


Ubuntu activity


I regulary publish some articles, mainly in French. The most important (national or international paper publication, 500 words or more ) are :

  • "Is Ubuntu good for me ?" : Linux + DVD Magazine 05/2008 (With this article, I got a one year subscription to the magazine for free Smile :) )

  • "Ubuntu-tn is now an approved team" , Tunis Hebdo . The Ubuntu-tn team approval announcement. I included a presentation of Ubuntu and Ubuntu-tn. On the photo, I'm the third on top right.

  • "Windows vs. Linux battle continues", Tunis Hebdo. Comparison between HardyHeron and Vista.

  • "Piracy is detrimental to the open source and benefits Microsoft"!: (In Tunisia, we can buy an illegal copy of windows for 1$ so the people don't take the time to think about OpenSource => people become addicted to windows => they will pay for the license soon or later) + slight criticism of Piracy in Tunisia.

  • "Software Freedom Day 2008". Published in Tunis Hebdo
  • "OpenOffice.org 3, time to earn MS office's price". Tunis Hebdo

  • many others..


Conferences are given in French and Arabic.

  • 29/10/2008 : "Ubuntu, the spirit, the os and the community" at SFD 2008. Tunis, Tunisia. In this article, you can see a picture of me during the conference. To get download the slides (in French), please visit the Presentations page.

  • 15/11/2008 : "Ubuntu, a gate to the Open Source World". Ubuntu day at ISIMS (High Institute of Multimedia and Computer Sciences, Sfax Tunisia.
  • 28/11/2008 : "Ubuntu, a gate to the Open Source World". OpenSource Seminary at the Faculty of Sciences, Sfax.

  • 23/01/2009 : "Ubuntu". Open Source Seminary at the High Institute of Multimedia and Computer Sciences, Sfax Tunisia.
  • 29/01/2009 "Ubuntu, your free and open source alternative". Ubuntu Conference. ENIT (National School of Engineers of Tunis)
  • 04/02/2009 "It's time to forget about Windows". Ubuntu Conference. High Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences of Monastir

Not yet scheduled - contacts initiated and waiting for fixing on the agenda :

  • High Institute of Biotechnologies of Monastir.
  • High School of Medenine.


I led the team to be approved : When discussing the how a loco gets CDs, I knew that the team had to be approved. Since that, I began the work to build the approval application with a first mail on Mai 16, 2008 and a second one two days later calling to collect all the informations. As I only got a few responses, I had to question, pen in hand as on this photo, the presents to the physical meeting of July 6th 2008 one by one to finally fill up the approval application and submit it to the LoCoCouncil. The Team was approved on July 22.

In the team, I was the person who work on keeping the Ubuntu spirit and guiding the members to the existent resources about the community as on this mail.

Some of my contributions in the team :

  • I designed the logo of the team (It was my very first contribution, a little one but I'm proud of it Smile :) )

  • Former Coordinator of the Redaction Work Group: creating the documents and sharing them (using Google Docs mainly) with contributing members.

  • Former Coordinator of the Web & Tech Work Group. Mission : Organize the work in the group and insure the harmony between the members.

  • Main architect and developer of two Web Site proposals.
  • Former IRC Operator of Channels #ubuntu-tn and #ubuntu-tn-meeting.
  • I have redesigned the wiki pages relatives to the TunisianTeam. I proposed the Idea on the mailing list and I have been the main actor.

  • I was part of the meeting held in the Secretary of Stat to talk about how the government can assist the LoCo team.



  • Rafik has been a great helper in the Ubuntu Arabic Community, helped in setting up the forums, matching the design with Ubuntu theme and now we are working together on some other sub-projects in Ubuntu Arabic. Jad


Rafik (last edited 2010-02-17 15:08:47 by 41)