Folks who contributed test results to the 13.04 release
Thank you to the 163 people who helped test new packages, answered calls for testing and tested the daily and milestone images, including the final release images
1148900865-c - abhisek - adconrad - adriangoodyer - aere - ak12 - alessiogrossosgarrillo - anastasia-n-filatova - anca-emanuel - andrewsomething - android-lee - anthony-balico - anthonywong - antonio-allegretti - apw - avinashreddy1090 - bkerensa - blackpaw - bplzip - bryanquigley - butler-matthew - cangussu-br - carla-sella - cgurholt - charlesford42 - c-hermansen - chilicuil - chrisle - civil-bigpond - claudio.arseni - corti-nico - cpatrick08 - cprofitt - crhrabal - davidbensimon - davidseg - david-wildgoose - denunez-ubuntu - deshack - d-kessel - dlbike76 - doak-jackson - druellan - dsmythies - e-o-popov - erdal-karli - fabiomarconi - fabrizioorsini - fetz - franciscomol - gema.gomez - ggodineau - ghane - gianni-tornatore-71 - gilir - giulio-canevari - gregfaith - hitaisin - hungtran - im-yourfriendarmando - israeldahl - jackyang-us - james-page - j-bardales - jbicha - jfronne - jibel - jiri-podvolecky - jjfrv8-gmail - jmarsden - jmoleary - john-swing - jonathan - jpickett - jr - jvegaf - k1fri - kaiserclaudius - kate.stewart - keith-z - keithzg - kitterman - knome - k-robin - laney - lantzr - larsnooden - lbsolost - len-ovenwerks - lucking - luigitanese - lyz - maclin.jun - magnus-thulin - marcin-jedrzejewski85 - matthew-mellott - mc3man - mcblackmar02 - merejomusic - merryidleness - messer.kevin - moteprime - mutz-schilling - myriam - nio-wiklund - nskaggs - ntovar - ocojocaru - ogra - oliviervdtoorn - paramore-chris - pfeiffep - pgraner - phillw - plimptm - prairie-zephyr - psivaa - pwlars - quintasan - ramjacvp - rapier - redmar - rm2892 - rohangarg - ronnoc - rsalveti - ruvolof - saqman2060 - sarvatt - sary - sash0k-v - sbrown1992 - scottbomb - sergiomeneses - sergiusens - shishimaru - siddhanathan - skellat - slickymaster - smartboyhw - smd-seandavis - ssbob98 - stgraber - str8bslinux - the-doctor-2501 - thinkndev - timo-jyrinki - truckinpapa - twocamels - ubuntu-cdimage - urupica - utlemming - valorie-zimmerman - vmanapat - wkclemmons - wood-bhoemen - wxl23 - xdatap1 - xnox - yj-1325 - yofel - zequence - zorkerz
Folks who helped contribute testcases
Thank you to the 33 people who helped contribute to the maintenance of the testcases used via the ubuntu manual tests and ubuntu autopilot tests projects.
1148900865-c - anthonywong - carla-sella - chilicuil - chrisjohnston - davidseg - denunez-ubuntu - d-kessel - doak-jackson - elopio - e-o-popov - fabiomarconi - fetz - inoki - jordannh - knome - komputes - maclin.jun - magnus-thulin - mc3man - nskaggs - phillw - prairie-zephyr - pwlars - ramjacvp - saqman2060 - sergiomeneses - sergiusens - sjskaggs - smartboyhw - thomasjgx - thomir - zequence
RaringRingtail/ReleaseNotes/Credits/Testers (last edited 2013-04-25 08:08:52 by faun)