
Differences between revisions 27 and 28
Revision 27 as of 2007-03-28 03:57:08
Size: 3126
Editor: 59
Revision 28 as of 2007-03-28 08:01:24
Size: 3299
Editor: adsl203-157-083
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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We hope to add a linux-image-realtime package in the universe repository (the same place as the linux-image-lowlatency package). Talk to /MOTU/Teams/Audio seems they ar eduplicating the load with a low latency audio kernel. We hope to add a linux-image-realtime package in the universe repository (the same place as the linux-image-lowlatency package).
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== FAQ ==

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Debug version[[BR]] Linux image debug version[[BR]]
Linux image trace version (with wakeup and latency trace options enabled) [[BR]]
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 * Any suggestion/feedbacks/requests? - AlessioIgorBogani
 * I can host the packages on my repo if bandwith is necessary [wiki:Ttoine ttoine]
 * Any suggestion/feedbacks/requests? [[wiki:AlessioIgorBogani alessio]] [[BR]][[BR]]
 * I can host the packages on my repo if bandwith is necessary [wiki:Ttoine ttoine] [[BR]][[BR]]
 * Talk to /MOTU/Teams/Audio seems they are duplicating the load with a low latency audio kernel. Frink [[BR]][[BR]]

Please check the status of this specification in Launchpad before editing it. If it is Approved, contact the Assignee or another knowledgeable person before making changes.


This specification details the plan to add hard real time support in Ubuntu.


In some contexts (i.e. industrial automation, robotics and telco) the low-latency support is insufficient. In order to push Ubuntu in these contexts it is necessary to add support for high resolution timers and full preemption in the Linux kernel. These features have been implemented by Thomas Gleixner and Ingo Molnar (

We also want a valid FLOSS alternative to SLERT (

Use cases

Alex is developing an application software (SCADA type) for a customer and he would be very happy to use Linux and Ubuntu for the deployment.

Real time audio support in a radio station studio (, which needs RT preemption to satisfy real time features of jack audio connection kit by Paul Davis.


This specification covers the linux kernel in Ubuntu.


We hope to add a linux-image-realtime package in the universe repository (the same place as the linux-image-lowlatency package).

Beta available

Add, as root, to your /etc/apt/sources.list (remember to do a backup of this file) the following line:

deb feisty/

Then execute:

wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -BR sudo apt-get updateBR sudo apt-get install linux-realtime

Packages available:

linux-realtimeBR linux-image-realtimeBR linux-image-2.6.20-12-realtime (2.6.20-rt8)BR cyclictest

Patch is available at: BR BR BR BR BR



Linux image debug versionBR Linux image trace version (with wakeup and latency trace options enabled) BR Restricted modules package (when kernel in Feisty is freeze)BR Amd64 kernel version (any volunteer?)BR

BoF agenda and discussion

  • Any suggestion/feedbacks/requests? wiki:AlessioIgorBogani alessio BRBR

  • I can host the packages on my repo if bandwith is necessary [wiki:Ttoine ttoine] BRBR

  • Talk to /MOTU/Teams/Audio seems they are duplicating the load with a low latency audio kernel. Frink BRBR


RealTime (last edited 2011-02-23 10:51:46 by cache1)