- Actions from previous meeting:
- slangasek to confirm with asac how to get the list of packages that still need rebuilt for arm toolchain
- ttx, zul to target all the canonical-application-support MIRs to lucid, and milestone to alpha-2
- slangasek to check on ld segfault on powerpc building qt4-x11 (DONE, but handed back to kubuntu team to figure out how to integrate the workaround...)
- Team reports
- Per-team topics:
- Milestoned bugs
- Release-targeted bugs
- Milestoned features
- Future issues expected to impact the release
- General feature update
- QA
- Desktop
- DX
- Mobile
495066: Lucid netbook-launcher segfaults when started
488354: NS_InvokeByIndex in xptcinvoke_arm.cpp is not Thumb-2 safe for Lucid
- Server
- Kernel
- Security
- Foundations
- Per-team topics:
- Known regressions
status of issues found in previous milestone: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha1#Known%20issues
ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2010-01-08 (last edited 2010-01-08 05:55:20 by minbar)