- Actions from previous meetings:
- davidbarth to review cross-team assignments for dx specs and contact right people
- ev to retarget foundations-lucid-gfxboot-update greeter to alpha-3
- seb128 to follow up with pitti wrt lucid-ubuntu-one-symlinks-and-udfs not tracked on the desktop team report
Outstanding work items still targeted to alpha-2 (http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/workitems/all-lucid-alpha-2.html):
504723: [MIR] uboot-imx
dx-lucid-gtk-improvements: [bratsche] Identify and fix broken apps - totem
security-lucid-bios-notifier: integrate tool into landscape motd
506761: lucid uboot hangs on fatload uImage on fsl TO2 TO2.5 and TO3
- Ubuntu 8.04.4 next week
- Team reports
- Per-team topics:
- Milestoned bugs
- Release-targeted bugs
- Milestoned features
- Future issues expected to impact the release
- General feature update
- QA
- Hardware testing
- alpha-2 test report
- Desktop
487415: libqt4-dev missing depends on zlib1g-dev
- DX
506683: indicator-applet doesn't show menu choices when selected
- Mobile
507887: NIC not properly initialized in uboot code
- Server
503180: eucalyptus-cloud doesn't reply to requests
- Kernel
- Security
- Foundations
- Per-team topics:
- Known regressions
status of issues found in previous milestone: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha2#Known%20issues
ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2010-01-22 (last edited 2010-01-22 16:02:21 by minbar)