Stable Release Team Agenda
PURPOSE: collaborate on stable release updates and long term support point releases
FREQUENCY: bi-weekly meeting
ACTIVE RELEASES: Maverick, Lucid, Karmic, Hardy, Dapper
RELEASE LIFECYCLE STATUS: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases
Actions from Last Meeting
- 2010-11-22
- [cjwatson, apw, Keybuk, azul] - to come up with proposal to handle upstart interaction/bug 642555
- [victorp] look at adding hardware cert reports with architectures as one of the pieces of info tracked for SRU meeting
- [pedro, marjo] - look at adding regression test report as one of the pieces of info tracked for SRU meeting.
- [victorp, pedro, bjf, sconklin, skaet] to set date for next target SRU release. We'll be skipping Dec. 2.
- [skaet, victorp, bjf, pitti] - meet to discuss SRU release of maverick post hardware cert testing results
- [skaet] publish meeting conventions and discuss pre-work expectations with individual leads, so we can get this a little more efficient.
Features and Bugs Summary
- Release-targeted bugs (snapshot 2010/11/17)
Release |
Bugs Open |
Critical |
High |
New |
Maverick |
59 (+4) |
72 (+6) |
Lucid |
116 (+3) |
169 (+8) |
Karmic |
38 (-1) |
115 |
Hardy |
65 (+1) |
183 (+3) |
Dapper |
14 |
67 |
- Update targetted bugs
maverick-update : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?&field.milestone:list=27564
lucid-update : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?&field.milestone:list=21448
karmic-update : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?&field.milestone:list=12716
hardy-update : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?&field.milestone:list=34695
- note: hardy-updates didn't exist until 11/17 so not accurate at this point - needs a scrub.
dapper-update : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?&field.milestone:list=135
- Known regressions
- Nominated bugs
10.04.2 Long Term Support Status
Planned Release Date: February 17, 2011
- Related Blueprints
- None
- Milestoned Bug Summary
- Unresolved Important Bugs
635344:After my CD-Rom is ejected, the tray will instantly retract. [sconklin] - need to determine if can come up with fix for RC and where fix needs to happen 2010-11-26, update?
- Unresolved Important Bugs
591207:Casper's USB update-initramfs shim should look for initrd.img in /boot - [cjwatson] - .1 attempt failed, will see if possible, ev to look at
607657:Lucid point release installer must support LTS backported Kernels - [cjwatson] - release candiate, on list
635273:Building debs with SWIG libraries do not work - [cjwatson] - under investigation.
- Resolved
563916:[details.so] No prompt for [S]kip or [M]anual recovery on server boot - FIX COMMITTED
- Unresolved Important Bugs
- None
- Resolved
671103:backport grub-legacy-ec2 from maverick to lucid - FIX COMMITTED
- Unresolved Important Bugs
525807:[upstream] [3.2.1] OOo Slide Show and Fullscreen modes - not full screen under compiz - [pitti] - pending finding an OOo maintainer
625280:SRU: xserver-xorg-video-geode 2.11.9-1 to Lucid and older supported releases - [pitti] - will investigate
459647:Cannot change mouse cursor theme when compiz is enabled - [pitti] compiz has been going off/on - jeopardizes stability, so may declare permanently broken in lucid.
- Kubuntu will update to KDE 4.4.5 (and 4.4.7 for kdepim) for 10.04.2 - update?
Stable Release Updates
- Recent
- Lucid shipped on 11/30
- Maverick shipped on 12/02 (?)
- Security Update shipped on 12/xx (?)
- Next
- Lucid - 12/??
- Maverick - 12/??
- Security - 12/??
Existing Process Documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates
Existing Kernel SRU Process: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KernelUpdates
New Kernel SRU Process being piloted: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/StableReleaseCadence
Overall SRU Status: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html
Quality Assurance
- Questions:
- what is the status of the regression automation infrastructure?
This report still looks like its being run, can it be updated to reflect the current releases? see: http://people.ubuntu.com/~sbeattie/sru_todo.html
is there a report that details the regression run report for the current SRU kernel update? [pedro] took an action to provide this time
- what has changed in terms of the bug validation over the last week for the current SRU proposed packages?
- how many packages moved from proposed to updates/security in last week?
Hardware Certification
certification testing for lucid done on ubuntu for netbooks, desktop edition (laptops and pc) sevrers, i386 and amd64) testing link: http://people.canonical.com/~cr3/hw-testing/lucid-proposed.html
- Current SRU status:
- overview of schedule and window? Ara's calendar
- Questions:
- any adjustment to 2-day time allocated for automated certification run, in planning? (assuming no significant regression)
- Questions:
- Which bugs that are being targetted for next SRU testing cycle?
- Which kernels will need SRU testing?
- What date will the kernel(s) be available for build? test?
- Any security issues that may impact next cycle?
- What is the priority list of SRU candidate bugs that will be worked on in next two weeks?
- Questions:
- Any show stoppers likely which will cause kernel SRU release cycle to be skipped?
- Any packages which need to have SRU bugs validated?
- Any SRU candidate bugs against packages to be worked on in next two weeks?
- Questions:
- Any packages which need to have SRU bugs validated?
- Any SRU candidate bugs against packages to be worked on in next two weeks?
- Questions:
- Any packages which need to have SRU bugs validated?
- Any SRU candidate bugs against packages to be worked on in next two weeks?
- Questions:
- Any packages which need to have SRU bugs validated?
- Any SRU candidate bugs against packages to be worked on in next two weeks?
- Questions:
- Any packages which need to have SRU bugs validated?
- Any SRU candidate bugs against packages to be worked on in next two weeks?
Ubuntu One
- Questions:
- Any packages which need to have SRU bugs validated?
- Any SRU candidate bugs against packages to be worked on in next two weeks?
- Questions:
- Any packages which need to have SRU bugs validated?
- Any SRU candidate bugs against packages to be worked on in next two weeks?
- Questions:
- Any fixes that need to be released in maverick SRU?
- Any SRU candidate bugs against packages to be worked on in next two weeks?
- Question:
- Any escalation bugs that need to be worked on in next two weeks that should be SRU?
IRC Meeting Log
- mootbot logs available at
- [pitti, kees, sconklin] - get together and propose adjustments process if needed, then broadcast new dates
- [skaet] call meeting to discussing outcome of sconklin's meeting with pitti and kees.
ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2010-12-06-SR (last edited 2010-12-14 22:09:44 by eth3)