Who am I?
I'm Ricardo Ichizo, an Brazilian guy with Japanese {ja} ancestors
Python developer, Django framework enthusiast
- Debian Addicted
User, Translator, Eventual Contributor
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and OpenSolaris user
SysAdmin worker
- Database Consultant and Administrator: PostgreSQL, MySQL and Oracle
Oops, here is my geekcode:
-----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GCS d? s: a- C+++ UB+++ P++ L++ E--- W++ N- o-- K- w--- O- M- V- PS+ PE-- Y++ PGP+ t--- 5-- X+ R- tv- b- DI+++++ D++++ G e++ h* r- y* ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
Meet at
Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~n1ghtcr4wler
OpenID: https://richizo.myopenid.com/
Debian - Python Modules Team: http://python-modules.alioth.debian.org/
My old page as undergraduate student at Institute of Computing - UNICAMP: http://www.students.ic.unicamp.br/~ra017224/
Some projects can be find at http://code.google.com/u/n1ghtcr4wler/
Currently, I'm contributing with loco-django project
- Mail: n1ghtcr4wler [at] gmail [dot] com
- Jabber:
RicardoIchizo (last edited 2008-08-06 16:13:59 by localhost)