boot_mockup_main.jpg - mockup of main interface for disk selector
boot_mockup_preferences.jpg - mockup of settings for disk selector
[RobCaskey/ActiveDirectoryEdgy] - nasty hackified guide to setup AD on Edgy in a hurry
[RobCaskey/ActiveDirectoryFeisty] - nasty hackified guide to setup AD on Feisty in a hurry
Edit conflict - other version:
[RobCaskey/ActiveDirectoryGrumpy] - nasty hackified guide to setup AD on Grumpy in a hurry
Edit conflict - your version:
[RobCaskey/ActiveDirectoryGrumpy] - nasty hackified guide to setup AD on Grumpy in a hurry
End of edit conflict
RobCaskey (last edited 2008-08-06 16:40:44 by localhost)