
Revision 11 as of 2021-09-08 10:54:25

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About Me

Hi, my name is Rodrigo. I've been a member of Ubuntu Spanish Translators since November 2017. I wanted to contribute with the project as a way to say thank you for the free software, moreover I wanted to help making Ubuntu accesible to everyone so more people can start using this amazing OS. I translated a huge amount of strings until one day I discovered upstream projects so I joined Gnome spanish translators. I also made a wiki page explaining about translating upstream projects. I learned how to use Github and helped translating flatpak and NetworkManager. Now I've become coordinator for Ubuntu Spanish Translators Team and I was given git permissions to send commits in Gnome as well. I've made a Telegram group to give more visibility to the project. I love languages. I know C++, Python, Matlab and some HTML. I'm learning Japanese. I like watching anime and playing AOE2 with my friends.

Contact Information










Gnome l10n





Future Goals

  • Keep on translating.
  • Strenght cooperation between translation projects.
  • Build a friendly community of Open Source translators.
  • Join the Translation Project.
  • Assist to some CC meeting.
  • Vote in the next election for the CC as I couldn't vote in the last one.
  • Keep on giving my ideas and enjoying Ubuntu.
  • Add GNUN support to Ubuntu web pages.


Note: If you have anything nice to say about this person, please do add it below along with @ SIG @ (no spaces). The @ SIG @ command will sign your name and date/time it after you "Save Changes".

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

I have met Rodrigo several times over several years in my role as a translation coordinator. While Rodrigo translate into Spanish at first hand, he also goes the extra mile. We have interacted in some discourse topics about the translation infrastructure, where Rodrigo have asked relevant questions and pointed at room for improvement. I have also seen him help with triage of translation bugs. Rodrigo shows the energy and involvement I want to see from an Ubuntu membership candidate, and I'm happy to recommend him for membership.
-- gunnarhj 2021-08-24 19:20:25

He has initiative, he has the passion, and he has that didactic vibe only the best contributors have. As a fellow Ubuntu translator, he has my full endorsement for membership. -- fitojb 2021-09-08 10:54:25