Ubuntu One Indicator


Introduction: http://blog.rtg.in.ua/2010/10/have-you-seen-my-weather-applet.html

Re-introduction for precise: http://rtg.in.ua/blog/2012/04/a-brand-new-ubuntu-one-indicator-for-precise/

Launchpad project: https://launchpad.net/indicator-ubuntuone

PPA: ppa:rye/ubuntuone-extras

Package Name: ubuntuone-indicator or indicator-ubuntuone


sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntuone-extras
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install indicator-ubuntuone


Create a replacement for Karmic applet, stuff it with more features, make it stable and use it. Can be used as a playground for the upcoming official indicator of some sort.



Ubuntu One Indicator uses Indicator framework for applications. It sits as a separate entry in the indicator panel since there is no indicator class that could house it. It talks to syncdaemon and listens for its signals via DBus and talks to web API directly to get quota usage information.


RomanYepishev/UbuntuOne/Indicator (last edited 2012-04-29 19:22:39 by host-60-59-151-193)