
Stable Release Update Procedure

We need to have formal testing. First thing to do is to have information for testing. First attempt was discussed here and resulted in UbuntuOne/Testing.

Since there are special tags defined by Stable Release Updates (SRU) procedure, we might need to invent our own format for the bug post that informs about results of SRU checks.

For example:

SRU-Package: 1.0.1-0abc0
SRU-Verification-Result: Failed
SRU-Verification-Reason: Found some very bad behavior.

Full description that describes what was actually done.

This is a verbose version, this is only an example.

Afterwards, a script can be developed that will scan bug reports which are mentioned in the changelog of the package and build the page that lists testing result.

Question: will verification-done tag go away after SRU is released? Otherwise it does not make much sense for bug scan since it will not be really informative if the bug is reopened and new SRU is performed.

RomanYepishev/UbuntuOne/StableReleaseUpdateProcedure (last edited 2010-02-05 21:39:21 by 193)