Contact information
Name: Søren Bredlund Caspersen
Nationality: Danish
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Email: soeren-b-c@ubuntu.com
IRC: sbc @ freenode.net
Launchpad page: https://launchpad.net/~soeren-b-c
Web site: http://compadre.dk/blog/
Project Involvement
Editor of the 'Projekt: Ubuntu' part of the Danish forum.
Have served several times as the chair of the monthly IRC meetings of the DanishTeam and done the minutes after meetings. (Minutes: meeting 2 meeting 3meeting 6 meeting 8 meeting 9 meeting 11 meeting 13)
Part of the group that put together the Danish HardyReleaseParty in Århus. (Event with approximately 45-50 participants. Pictures and blog posts here - all blog posts in Danish.)
Member of 'Styregruppen' (the steering group) of the DanishTeam: September 2007 - present
Working on turning the DanishTeam into a Forening (association). Progress here (in Danish).
Part of the group to organize the coming IntrepidReleaseParty in Copenhagen.
Bug reports get filed when ever an application crashes. General advocating of FOSS software.
Plans for Ubuntu in the future
I hope to involve myself in the MarketingTeam and the new Nordic team.
Support for membership
MartinPihl (Ubuntu member): Søren has indeed been a great asset to the Danish LoCo team. His LoCo work cannot be underestimated and his Project Involvement list does not make justice to the the actual work he has been putting in the the Danish LoCo team for a quite a while. It is not an exaggeration to say, that the Danish LoCo team would have been much smaller and much less coherent without Sørens hard work on activities which binds the Team together - such as coordinating much of the activities. I certainly support Sørens membership, because such stable, dedicated and long-term commitment to Ubuntu should be rewarded. Søren will make a fine example for others to follow.
SørenBredlundCaspersen (last edited 2008-09-10 14:41:36 by 1804ds1-by)