
Revision 26 as of 2010-07-23 12:14:42

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Launchpad ID:



Sarvatt on

Sarvatt on



About Me

My name is Robert Hooker, I'm 29 years old, married, live in Alexandria, Virginia (USA) and I have been using ubuntu off and on since 6.06. I first started using ubuntu as my primary desktop OS with jaunty in november 2008 (prior to that I just messed around with it), but I have been using the server variants for a long while before because I prefer debian packaging and the more up-to-date packages ubuntu usually provides. My main motivation for switching my primary OS to linux was to ease the usage of my linux servers, and also to have a nicer development environment for android projects I was working on. I am very interested in the ports architectures, PPC and arm especially.

My main interest involves working with the X stack in ubuntu to help keep things up to date, and I have been working with the ubuntu-x team in that regard since March 2009. I am one of the maintainers of the xorg-edgers PPA where we provide an updated X stack that enables people to easily test updated components. That in turn helps developers track down bugs easier and enables users to leverage new X technologies such as KMS before they are available in the main distribution.

Contributions Summary

  • Co-administrator/maintainer of the xorg-edgers team on launchpad.

  • Member of the pkg-xorg team in Debian.
  • Packaging of X components for Ubuntu and Debian.
  • Xorg development.
  • Wrote the ppa-purge script ppa-purge

  • Bug Fixes, SRU's.

Contributions in the Ubuntu archives

Plans and ideas for the near future

  • Helping introduce new technologies such as ATI KMS into Karmic.
  • Ensuring a quality out of the box X experience with ubuntu. Some things such as the display device detection routines in xserver need work.
  • Helping with the transition during new xserver releases. PPA

Plans and ideas for the distant future
