I'm Scott. If you've found your way here, it's probably because you've wanted to find out a little bit more about me. Boy, is *that* a big mistake on your part.
I am:
- The manager of the Systems Department, and lead Systems Administrator for Legal Aid Manitoba.
A long time LTSP developer (9+ years).
An Edubuntu developer (4+ years)
A Sabayon upstream developer.
Current work includes:
- Maintaining the Sabayon package in Ubuntu
- Working on the Edubuntu handbook.
- LTSP development (specifically, D-Bus integration)
You can reach me at:
email: s b a l n e a v (at) l t s p . o r g
IRC: sbalneav on #ltsp, #edubuntu on FreeNode, or sbalneav on #sabayon at
ScottBalneaves (last edited 2009-11-13 16:20:00 by mail)