
Revision 4 as of 2006-09-25 20:37:07

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  • Past Local LUG President (
  • Ubuntu convert around the time hoary came out thanks to ["Tristanbob"]


* Runs 6.06 edubuntu on home desktop (WinXP on VMware for the wife's Forex software) * Runs 6.06 on work laptop (WinXP on VMWare for some work software) * Runs 6.06 server on 5+ machines for my jinzora, PHP and Rails webserver, etc. * Using Dapper's sweet LTSP to speed up Linux on the wife's old PII Tecra 8000 - PXE boot and done. * Breezy install found my multimedia keys on my Inspiron 6000 right off the bat; screen saver and suspend screen fade-in and fade-out is killer... nice polish!

Wiki Contributions

Some parts of * ["HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/LexmarkZ605"] * ["ThinClientHowto"]