

Online accounts has several components that application developers may use:

  • account-application and account-service: describe the services the application will use (should be specified together)
  • account-provider and account-qml-plugin: describe the providers and services to extend Online Accounts (should be specified together)

Implementation for 15.04 OTA-4 and prior

At a high-level, this is essentially the same process as for ApplicationConfinement, with the following differences:

  • the click manifest should specify the correct framework for the release it is targeting (eg, ubuntu-sdk-15.04)

  • the click manifest should specify apparmor with account-application and account-service

  • if both account-application and account-service are specified, the click manifest should express them together

  • when using account-application and account-service, the accounts policy group should be used with the default template (eg, ubuntu-sdk)


  • click manifest:

        "name": "foo"
        "version": "0.1",
        "hooks": {
            "bar": {
                "account-application": "bar.application",
                "account-service": "bar.service",
                "apparmor": "bar.apparmor",
                "desktop": "bar.desktop"
  • security manifest (bar.apparmor):

        "policy_groups": [
        "policy_version": 1.3

Prior to Ubuntu Touch 15.04 OTA-5, specifying account-provider and account-qml-plugin would not work with apparmor and therefore it would run unconfined and trigger a manual review in the store.

Implementation for 15.04 OTA-5 and higher

With 15.04 OTA-5, online accounts added support for confinement of online account providers. This is the same as with the 15.04 OTA-4 and earlier changes (above), with the following differences:

  • the click manifest should specify apparmor with account-provider and account-qml-plugin

  • if both account-provider and account-qml-plugin are specified, the click manifest should express them together

  • when using account-provider and account-qml-plugin, the accounts policy group should be used with the ubuntu-account-plugin template


  • click manifest:

        "name": "foo"
        "version": "0.1",
        "hooks": {
            "bar": {
                "account-application": "bar.application",
                "account-service": "bar.service",
                "apparmor": "bar.apparmor",
                "desktop": "bar.desktop"
            "baz": {
                "account-provider": "baz.provider",
                "account-qml-plugin": "baz-qml-plugin",
                "apparmor": "baz.apparmor"
  • security manifest (baz.apparmor):

        "template": "ubuntu-account-plugin",
        "policy_groups": [
        "policy_version": 1.3


SecurityTeam/Specifications/OnlineAccountsConfinement (last edited 2015-07-14 21:14:17 by jdstrand)