

Much of this can be found in ubuntu-cve-tracker/README.

  1. Install the necessary software:

    $ sudo apt-get install python3-configobj python3-yaml python3-genshi python3-progressbar python3-macaroonbakery subversion
  2. Download the ubuntu-cve-tracker branch:

    $ mkdir ~/git-pulls
    $ cd ~/git-pulls
    $ git clone git+ssh://<user>@git.launchpad.net/ubuntu-cve-tracker (replace <user> with your launchpad user).
  3. Add the UCT environment variable to your startup scripts (eg ~/.bashrc) and have it point to the ubuntu-cve-tracker branch:

    export UCT="$HOME/git-pulls/ubuntu-cve-tracker"
  4. Create $HOME/.ubuntu-cve-tracker.conf to have something like:

    # python-launchpad-bugs authentication cookies file (sis-changes)
    # This depends on the Firefox installation path (deb vs snap)
    # For debs, by default should be: "/home/<username>/.mozilla/firefox/<work.profile>/cookies.sqlite"
    # Starting from Jammy, Firefox is installed as a snap:
    # path to Debian "security-tracker" GIT tree (check-cves)
    # get from https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker
    # path to archive-layout mirror of supported architectures
    # sis-generate-usn, packages-mirror)
    # same as packages_mirror, but for Debian testing repository
    # same as packages_mirror, but for the partner repository
    # path to usn-tool bzr tree, used to manipulate USN databases
    # and for templates (sis-generate-usn)
    # origin is https://launchpad.net/usn-tool/
    # path to copy of master USN database, used when creating
    # a template for a USN (sis-generate-usn)
    # path to individual USN pickle database output when generating a single USN
    # database before merging into the master USN database (sis-generate-usn)
    # path to git tree for the USN website which will be updated with new markdown
    # as USNs are published
    # origin is https://launchpad.net/usn.ubuntu.com
    # where to get the MITRE CVE and NVD databases (check-cves)
  5. Populate the required data into the packages_mirror and partner_mirror directories:

    cd $UCT;./scripts/packages-mirror
  6. Populate the required data into the secure_testing directory:

    $ cd ~/git-pulls
    $ git clone https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker.git
  7. Pull down an initial copy of the database.pickle database:

    cd $UCT; ./scripts/fetch-db database.pickle.bz2



check-cves is the tool to update the CVE database with new entries.


check-cves needs the archive layout mirrors to contain up-to-date information; the ${UCT}/scripts/packages-mirror script will do this for you.


To use manually, run like this:

$ cd $UCT ; git pull --ff-only
$ ./scripts/check-cves
$ ./scripts/check-cves http://cve.mitre.org/data/downloads/allitems.xml
$ ./scripts/check-cves <file>


$ wget -N http://cve.mitre.org/data/downloads/allitems.xml
$ git pull --ff-only
$ ./scripts/check-cves ./allitems.xml
$ for i in $(seq 2004 $(date +%Y)) recent; do wget --quiet -N http://nvd.nist.gov/download/nvdcve-$i.xml; done
$ ./scripts/check-cves ./nvdcve-2*.xml

The Ubuntu Security team does certain triage actions depending on the day of the week, and the process_cves script will guide you through these and call check-cves with appropriate arguments. Eg:

$ git pull --ff-only
$ ./scripts/process_cves
$ ./scripts/process_cves Mon
$ ./scripts/process_cves Tue

Please see the TRIAGING section in ubuntu-cve-tracker/README for more information.

Embargoed Items

Embargoed items are supported in the following scripts in all the scripts except sync-from-usns.py. If no CVE has been assigned yet, an embargoed item should be prefixed with 'EMB-', followed by any combination of alphanumerics and dashes. Eg: EMB-xorg-2007-0001 EMB-foo

To include embargoed items simply create a symlink from 'embargoed' to the directory holding embargoed items. ubuntu-cve-tracker will not use 'embargoed' unless it is a symlink.

Pre-commit Syntax Checking

To perform pre-commit syntax checking, this little hack should allow for it:

$ make dev_setup

This will install a git pre-commit hook that will run $UCT/scripts/check-syntax on your modified CVE files.

With the above, check-syntax is always run before a commmit, or to avoid check-syntax, you can run: UCT_IGNORE_CHECK_SYNTAX=1 git commit

Other commands

Below are various tools to help maintain and manipulate UCT. All commands assume you are in the top-level directory of UCT (ie cd $UCT).

  • Verify syntax of CVE-* files:

    $ ./scripts/check-syntax
  • To commit, use this command:

    $ ./scripts/check-syntax && git commit

    NOTE: if you are unable to push to the launchpad master tree due to other's commits, use git pull --rebase to fetch the outstanding commits and rebase your commits on top.

  • Listings of active CVEs:

    $ ./scripts/ubuntu-table
    $ ./scripts/ubuntu-table --supported 2>/dev/null | grep SUPPORTED   # main only
    $ ./scripts/ubuntu-table --supported 2>/dev/null | grep PARTNER     # partner only
    $ ./scripts/ubuntu-table --untriaged                                # only untriaged
    $ ./scripts/ubuntu-table --supported | egrep -v '[[:space:]]+(untriaged|negligible|low)$' # medium and higher
  • Package status:

    $ ./scripts/pkg_status pkgname1 pkgname2
    $ ./scripts/pkg_status -f pkgname1 pkgname 2 ...                    # full listing
    $ ./scripts/ubuntu-table -p linux -P linux -S | cut -c1-14,36-95    # kernel report
  • CVE status:

    $ ./scripts/cve_status CVE-2006-4519 CVE-2007-2949 CVE-2007-3741
    $ ./scripts/cve_status -s CVE-2006-4519 CVE-2007-2949 CVE-2007-3741 # short listing
  • Create/edit a CVE without check-cves:

    $ ./scripts/active_edit -p package -c CVE-YYYY-XXXX
    $ ./scripts/active_edit -e -p package -c CVE-YYYY-XXXX              # embargoed (private)
    $ ./scripts/active_edit -p package -c CVE-2010-NNN1                 # new CVE without a CVE identifier
  • Mass editing of CVEs:

    $ ./scripts/mass-cve-edit -p <package> -r <release> -v <version> -s <state> CVE...


    $ ./scripts/mass-cve-edit -p seamonkey -r karmic -s released -v 1.1.17+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 CVE-2009-1841 CVE-2009-1838 CVE-2009-1836 CVE-2009-1835 CVE-2009-1392 CVE-2009-1832 CVE-2009-1833 CVE-2009-1311 CVE-2009-1307
  • Listing of packages with number of CVEs attached to them, weighted by CVE priority:

    $ ./scripts/cve_packages
    $ ./scripts/cve_packages -m                                         # main, restricted and partner
    $ ./scripts/cve_packages -u                                         # universe and multiverse
    $ ./scripts/cve_packages -t                                         # just totals
    $ ./scripts/cve_packages -m | grep '^[0-9]' | sort -n               # sorted by weight
    $ ./scripts/cve_packages -m -S | grep '^[0-9]' | sort -n            # sorted by weight without devel
  • CVEs needing retiring:

    $ ./scripts/cve_need_retire
    $ ./scripts/cve_need_retire -uc                                     # move needed to retired and perform git commit
  • Marking CVEs as 'released':

    $ cd $UCT
    $ rsync -v --progress -e ssh people.canonical.com:~ubuntu-security/public_html/usn/database.pickle ./database.pickle
    $ ./scripts/sync-from-usns.py database.pickle -u

Please see the UBUNTU-CVE Commands section in ubuntu-cve-tracker/README for more information.


  • By date, sorted by priority:

    $ ./scripts/report-date.py -S -m
  • TODO list:

    $ ./scripts/report-todo
    $ ./scripts/report-todo [-S]
  • SUmmary list:

    $ ./scripts/report-todo-numbers                                     # summary report
    $ ./scripts/report-todo-numbers [-S]
  • Monthly report:

    $ ./scripts/monthly-report
  • HTML reports:

    $ ./scripts/html-report [-S]

SecurityTeam/UbuntuCVETracker (last edited 2024-06-11 18:26:18 by federicoquattrin)