
Ubuntu Server Guide Specification

  1. Audience: The target audience for the Ubuntu Server Guide is broad: new users and experienced users. They should benefit from it. However, it focuses more on command line tools as the default ubuntu-server install has no graphic environment.

  2. Table of Contents: Refer to the same section below.

  3. Target Presentation Formats: xml, html, pdf

  4. License: DocteamLicense

  5. Technologies and Techniques: DocBook xml, and stored in the docteam repository.

  6. Release Target: Feisty Fawn (Ubuntu 7.04), Apr, 2006

  7. Links to Current Version: The latest version of Server Guide is available at here

  8. How to Contribute: The best way to contribute is to send an email to the ubuntu-doc mailing list (

  9. Primary Contacts: DocumentationTeam, RobertStoffers and Bhuvan

Ideas for the upcoming Server Guide for '''Feisty Fawn'''

  • Network Applications
  • Web Applications
  • Email and Database Applications

Table of Contents for Server Guide

  1. Preface
    1. Conventions
    2. Contribution
    3. Feedbacks
  2. Introduction
  3. Network Configuration
    • Configuration
    • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
    • Time Synchronization with NTP
    • OpenSSH Server
  4. Network authentication
    • OpenLDAP Server
    • LDAP client authentication
    • How to setup NIS
  5. DNS
    • BIND
  6. Security
    • Firewall Iptables
  7. Web Servers
    • Apache2 PHP5 MySQL
    • Squid - Proxy Server
    • Ruby on Rails
    • Apache Tomcat 5
    • Apache JBOSS
  8. Database
    • MySQL 5.0
    • PostgreSQL
  9. Web Applications
    • Drupal
    • Joomla
    • Mambo
  10. Wiki Applications
  11. File Server
    • FTP Server
    • NFS Server
    • CUPS - Print Server
  12. Mail, Groupware, and Chat Servers
    • Sendmail
    • Qmail
    • PostFIX
    • Mailman
    • IrcServer

    • Jabber
  13. Version Control System
    • Subversion
    • CVS
  14. Monitoring
    • Nagios2
    • Internet Traffic Monitoring
  15. Windows Networking
    • Introduction
    • Installing SAMBA
    • Configuring SAMBA

ServerGuide (last edited 2009-09-13 18:05:02 by klabs)