

This page is specifically for the gathering of proposed features for the Oneiric (11.10) development cycle. Prior to UDS, we organized the proposed Ubuntu Server track sessions, based on a subset of the proposed features. The list below represents each Ubuntu Server track session and the notes taken during the associated discussion.

UDS Discussion/Feature CANDIDATES

Notable Decisions and Planned Changes

Best OS for the Cloud

  • Adding ARM as a supported architecture
  • OpenStack will be the default cloud infrastructure stack for Ubuntu Server, replacing Eucalyptus

  • Both OpenStack "Diablo" and Eucalyptus 3.0 will be in main

  • Moving to a 2-stage install experience
    1. Minimal set of steps/packages required to boot a Server on CD
    2. Optional configuration/deployment via Orchestra components
  • Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud is now Ubuntu Cloud

  • Detailed boot messaging enabled by default, i.e. remove "quiet" from default grub options
  • We will replace ntpdate with ntpd in Ubuntu Server

Best OS in the Cloud

  • Ensemble will be in universe
  • byobu on by default in cloud images

Session Blueprints

Blueprint: server-o-arm-server

Action Items

  • Look at adding shipping seed to the headless image - if the server is not on a network, won't install because there is no shipping seed
  • Investigate hot plug support
  • Use OpenStack for ARM + LXC

  • OEM-config runs on the serial console, needs a switch to appear on serial AND/OR console
  • Select platform for ARM server release:
    • OMAP3 beagleboard XM
    • OMAP4 pandaboard
    • Look at ARM Versatile Express
  • Preseed, vs unpack and boot (which format)
  • Have a proper debian installer
  • Need to have both netboot + preinstall (headless) + bootfloppy
    • 'bootfloppy' has different definition based on platform
  • JAVA - dependencies on openJDK, getting java working better on ARM
    • ARM java VM's are optimized for client, need to be optimised for enterprise/server
    • IST project has ARM support
  • Investigate Landscape/Smart issues
  • Network filesystems for diskless boot must be tested and supported - NFS (with and without RAMdisK), iSCSI, NDB, AFS(?), CEPH, GFS2, PVFS, RAID, LVM
  • Orchestra tie-ins will need to be tested
  • Investigate the ability to support bonding and bridging networking (TUN/TAP/802.1q/VLAN/VPN/IPv6/IPsec)
  • Investigate interpreted/compiled languages that have Server dependencies:
    • Erlang
    • python
    • Ruby (Rails?)
  • Automated testing on ARM platforms needs to be done.
  • Server team test cases need to be looked at.
  • LAMP stack testing
  • Crypto acceleration in kernel
    • urandom, random, random number
    • entropy keys
  • 32 vs 64 bit
  • gnuTLS, SSL, etc need to be validated
  • AppArmor on ARM, it's not validated yet on ARM

    • toolchain, check that hardening is being called (Case)
    • memory randomization
  • toolchain, 64 bit atomics are missing in GCC 4.5
  • System Management Tools!!
  • Net install needs works on OMAP4
    • Calxeda will provide a PXE boot patch for u-boot

Blueprint: server-o-boot-experience

Action Items

  • [cjwatson] turn off quiet for server
  • [jamesodhunt] allow upstart visualization tool to filter out jobs/events that aren't in existence
  • [tbd]define/document a simple job/alias/event for "local filesystems are up", for local services
  • [tbd]define/document a simple job/alias/event for "networking up", for generic network services
  • [tbd]define/document a simple job/alias/event for "network filesystems are up", for network filesystem services
  • [tbd]define/document a simple job/alias/event for "system has booted", for /etc/rc.local type behavior
  • [tbd]need to improve start on for cron (start when all user info available)
  • [tbd]update Upstart Cookbook with "abstract jobs" and full exposition of how to define optimal "start on" and "stop on" for a new job
  • [clint-fewbar] file bugs on services that don't respect single user mode appropriately
  • [clint-fewbar] automated testing for single to multiuser
  • [clint-fewbar] add init-checkconf rule to lintian for upstart jobs need to measure boot speed difference between sourcing /etc/default files, and not

Blueprint: server-o-byobu-cloud

Action Items

  • Enable disabling all status monitoring eye candy easily
  • Easily enable/disable byobu in metadata
  • Easily disable byobu
  • MOTD messaging
  • respect an ssh environment variable locally on the ssh client that says "no byobu" to the remote server
    • roll Alpha1-3 images with Byobu enabled, revisit decision before feature freeze with plan of including in 11.10 barring any critical regressions or issues

Blueprint: server-o-ceph

Action Items

  • put it in our automated testing suite first to make sure it works as a fs before going further
    • also test the tools
  • investigate qemu-rbd
  • investigate libvirt

Blueprint: server-o-cloud-images

Action Items

  • add chef support (like puppet code)
  • fix cloud-init upstart jobs for lxc
  • rename uec-images ->

    • what about "ucloud-images" ?
    • and, of course, add a redirect, right?
  • udev: start on virtual-filesystems
  • networking.conf: start on (local-filesystems and stopped udevtrigger)
  • cloud-init-local: start on mounted MOUNTPOINT=/
  • [smoser] push on vmware help a bit for uec-images.
  • [smoser] read about ovf 2.0 ...
  • improve documentation
  • make sure images are usable by any OVF consuming tool
  • modify the disk format to be something non-VMDK, or improve the linux support for VMDK images (kvm).
  • cloud-init
    • support configuration of networking via cloud-config this would be useful in OVF or other places, where the metadata comes from a non-network source.
    • do better if there is no datasource available, and do not require one to always be there
  • uec-persistency (bridge gap to lack of EBS root)
    • Both OpenStack and Eucalyptus 3.0 will support EBS root, so no need to publsh UEC-peristency kernel images

Blueprint: server-o-cloud-migration

Action Items

  • Address the following migration issues:
    • Users
    • Groups
    • Vols
    • Instances - with virsh / config?
    • Images
    • Buckets
    • Snapshots
    • Permissions/credentials
    • Keypairs
    • Security Groups
    • Elastic/internal? IPs
    • Quotas?
    • User Groups
    • Usage
  • Support script migration directly from euca to openstack.

Blueprint: server-o-cluster-stack

Action Items

  • Move forward with OCFS2 as the supported clustered FS
  • Keep RHCS 3.0 for DLM's only.
    • dlm_controld.pcmk/gfs_controld.pcmk
    • keep shipping gfs2-tools (and make sure it's ok)
    • upgrade to latest 3.0.x that contains .pcmk (3.0.17)
  • Package fence-agents/resource-agents
  • Upgrade pacemaker to 1.1
  • Investigate and resolve ARM related issues within OCFS2, test
  • Move from cluster-agents to resouce-agents
  • Link up with openstack and upstream to compile a list of HA requirements
  • DRBD 8.4 if is shipped in mainline kernel Oneiric ships.
  • ***Documentation***
  • Sort out PPAs (ubuntu-ha-maintainers becomes main PPA, all other go away)

Blueprint: server-o-cobbler-next-steps

Action Items

  • Integration with puppet - ensure works in Debian/Ubuntu
  • Meta-data service
    • cloud-init support requirement
    • look at inventory service from puppet
  • User Interface
    • rebrand through CSS for Ubuntu
    • implementing new features in webui need to happen upstream
  • gpxe support in cobbler
  • snapshot of running systems to generate profiles?
    • orchestra features rather than cobbler
    • blueprint (DevStructure) might fit this

    • package manifest grab NOT preserve data and state.
  • koan
    • support for kvm instances today.
    • features need testing and improving as required.
  • feedback to upstream ubuntu specific changes to cobbler for better support on multiple distros:
    • DNS integration
    • DHCP integration
  • Better support for detection of distributions.
  • Validate desktop deployment testing through cobbler.
  • Power/infrastructure management; discuss in power infrastructure session.
  • [martinbogo] requirements for supporting uboot through cobbler.

Blueprint: server-o-complex-deployment-testing

Action Items

  • Find a base framework to support boot and deployment testing:
    • Boot:
      • Minimal install - startup and shutdown OK
      • Full install - startup and shutdown OK
      • Complete upgrade and then re-test.
      • collect metrics on boot time
    • Image Proving
      • RAID testing.
      • Multipath and encryption
      • ISO installs of AMI
      • Package Removal Testing:
        • install services
        • start services
        • check services
        • stop services
        • uninstall services
        • re-install same services
        • start & re-check services

  • Configure for complex deployment scenarios:
    • Wiki + Database + Memcache + Load Balancer
    • Bridging and bonding of network interfaces
    • Networking File Systems
    • Openstack Deployment test
    • Launchpad
    • Samba + LDAP or Kerberos Backend
    • Backup solutions

Blueprint: server-o-conf-management

Action Items

  • noop dpkg hook for configuration file so we can ignore conf files on a per-file basis, ie: dpkg --ignore-conflicts-to /etc/path/to/some.conf
  • suggest as a best practice policy for upstream server projects to support a conf.d style directory structure

Blueprint: server-o-documentation

Action Items

  • Jim to look at build toolchain transition needs to produce something similar to
  • Look at what we currently have, what needs to change, and plan how we do it
  • Robbie to look at getting funding for dedicated document resource
  • Jim or Adam to look at an Ubuntu Open Week-type session regarding additional contributions to server docs
  • Server team to identify server resources that could be used to test out server documentation configurations for the purpose of documenting them.

Blueprint: server-o-drop-vmbuilder

Action Items

  • [davewalker] Investigate CCA requirement for vmbuilder
  • [smoser] change uec image build -> use live-build

  • discuss with cody what is appropriate release to target for 11.10
  • existing web/wiki documentation would need to be updated to at least mention
  • [nijiba] if decision is to drop support for vmbuilder, do it quickly, mark it dead. let it be forked. talk to canonical legal
  • assuming above, add deprecated warning on vm-builder
  • blog post and post ot mailing list with result of this stating we are in need of maintainer

Blueprint: server-o-ecryptfs-testsuite

Action Items

  • john going to take another crack at long filenames this cycle
    • rtg not opposed to carrying this if we have to
    • has a fallback mode, maybe first 8 chars are real filename, dash, md5sum
    • backward compatibility
    • rtg says gotta have xattrs to do this elegantly
    • jj will refresh the xattrs patches soon (next few weeks)
    • kirkland will look up the re-encrypt-all-files script he wrote for a previous ecryptfs cve
  • kirkland will write some basic mount/write/unmount/read generic files (random binary, text, small, big) (take from ecryptfs-setup-private), test failure cases too (long file names, bad data in underlying filesystem)
  • check phoronix (or LTP) for ecryptfs stress tests

Blueprint: server-o-ensemble

Action Items

  • package for universe and determine how to deal with updates post 11.10 release
  • [niemeyer] Ensemble Daily PPA.
  • package txzookeeper
  • upgrade txaws
  • update zookeeper with patches already pushed upstream
  • determine if we need to package principia, and do so, if need be

Blueprint: server-o-ensemble-orchestra-openstack-support

Action Items

  • gustavo to send soren email regarding needed api functions for twisted client lib
  • cloud init to support Rackspace meta-data (nice, not required)
  • orchestra to give a twisted API to create physical machine that ensemble can call (aws or openstack)
  • have a simple way for orchestra to deploy a pool of machines that are made availabe for ensemble

Blueprint: server-o-eucalyptus

Action Items

  • work with Eucalyptus to update packages from first code drop expected mid June.
  • continue re-syncing and testing through GA release by August 15
  • continue to test and file bugs after GA

Blueprint: server-o-hadoop

Action Items

  • [james-page] Review packaging to date and work with iamfuzz
  • [kirkland] Discuss with Cloudera the build/runtime dependencies with [oracle|sun]jdk
  • work on how we can add visibility to modules in orchestra in order to determine if we need to work on putting CDH in Universe or main
    • who controls the list?
    • what rules to accept new items?
    • how is it published?

Blueprint: server-o-infra-power

Action Items

  • write psu driver
  • do work for puppet integration (vs orchestra / cobbler...)
  • package fence-agents (new package will land in Oneiric - separated from cman)
  • create PowerNAP interface (broker vs basic use)
  • create a tool to find USB and network devices (nut-scanner)
  • add avahi support to NUT, and allow easy discovery of power infrastructure
  • create a library and CLI/GUI (nut-config)
  • add augeas support (create augeas lenses)
  • create a udev helper (a la hal-cups)?
  • decide on what to do with the web UI (CGI improvements or full web 2.0 revamp?)
  • make NUT-Monitor improvements, including device discovery and configuration
  • create native upstart / systemd scripts
  • create provisioning recipes
  • distribute the new documentation (nut-doc-html and nut-doc-pdf)
  • monitor remaining time before shutdown in upsmon
  • provide scriptlets, for common actions (send mail, interact with VM, ...)
  • add support for UPS and PDU outlets on/off/cycle through NUT to PowerNap

  • add NUT support (avahi discovery + libupsclient) to UPower
  • add shutoff support (UPS poweroff after a power failure shutdown) to UPower
  • create a NUT bridge (NUT drivers that report in UPower namespace)

Blueprint: server-o-install-experience

Action Items

  • [cjwatson] Add support to partition a system across multiple disks at install, in a non interactive, automated manner
  • Support the ability to run Ubuntu only from SAN, ignoring altogether local storage
  • [Boris] provide cjwatson with a preseed/kickstart file of 'what he wants to work'
  • [kirkland] Support kernel command option to run d-i inside of byobu/screen to allow for remote attach/detach, real time monitoring of IO (disk throughput, network bandwidth), system load, stats/notes about installation
  • martin to send cjwatson details on OpenIPMI : Serial over LAN for console during install (device name may not be tty[S]0. ttyam0)
  • support network bonding ->

  • Support MTD partitioning for ARM server: Debian GSoC project from a year or two ago - should be possible to retrieve that and polish it up
  • write a u-boot-installer udeb to support install of a bootloader other than GRUB (u-boot for ARM server)
  • verify consistent network device naming support works as required when the server is booted with biosdevname=1

Blueprint: server-o-jasmine

Action Items

  • package JASMINe

Blueprint: server-o-jenkins

Action Items

By Alpha 1:

  • [james-page] upgrade to latest stable branch from Jenkins + upgrade dependencies
  • [james-page] Resolve outstanding build-from-source issues in dependency chain
  • [james-page] Prepare library packaging for upload to Ubuntu
  • [james-page] Sponsored upload of jenkins plus dependencies to Ubuntu Universe

By Alpha 2:

  • [james-page] look at JVM compatibility with xstream (for example)

Additional Work Items:

  • [james-page] feedback libraries to Debian through debian-java team
  • [james-page] re-sync libraries from Debian as a when required

Blueprint: server-o-jonas

Action Items

By Alpha 2:

  • [james-page] Review current OSGi packaging
  • [james-page] Work with florent on understanding JOnAS clustering and how this might feed into Ensemble and Orchestra
  • [james-page] Maven3 key for delivery - work upstream in Debian to help with Maven 3
  • [fbenoit] Identify priority list of ow2 components for packaging during Oneiric
  • [fbenoit] Idnetify list of ow2 and other maven plugins required to support JOnAS

Blueprint: server-o-kvm-document-suggested-changes

Action Items

  • Define workloads that we care about
  • Improve documentation on good settings for these workloads
  • add a small section to the server documentation
  • Kernel and Network tunables best practices / recommendations to be documented (Classic performance tunning for background workloads) => link to existing server doc on tunables

  • Make decision about not having swap in guest
  • Make decision about bridging over bonding to be tested and documented
  • Cgroup to be tested and documented (should work => user space)

Blueprint: server-o-load-testing

Action Items

  • Get a list of real world stress tests.
  • Another request is that the test be packaged so external parties can run these load tests.
  • Look at having a reporting/management tool to segregate/differentiate between hardware configurations.
  • Have small rescue env booted automatically (from grub, think memtest for server hw]
  • [hggdh] asking someone to package basic "ubuntu-test". which would include these basic tests.

Blueprint: server-o-lxc-improvements

Action Items

  • quick container cloning with snapshotting for lvm, btrfs, and aufs/unionfs (based on ppa:serge-hallyn/lxc-natty work)
  • sandbox template using current user namespace
  • per container syslog
  • proc virtualization
  • audit (LAF) virtualization (hallyn move this where you see priority)
  • container reboot and shutdown
  • custom per-container firewall rules
  • lsm integration
  • apparmor integration
  • templates for other distros (fedora, opensles, gentoo)
  • sandboxing with seccomp2
  • zul: List of missing bits pieces of libvirt for lxc (libvirt 0.9.1-1 merge is pending)

Blueprint: server-o-lxc-sandboxing

Action Items

  • [jjohansen] kernel PPA
  • [hallyn] custom lxc in ppa with extended configuration to drop syscalls. (add to lxc sprint agenda)
  • [ubuntu-security] [hallyn] new 'sandbox' program which generically wraps any program in sandbox.
  • compare this to what stgraber has developed for application sandboxing (other session)

Blueprint: server-o-monitoring

Action Items

  • Write an mcollective plugin for nagios
  • Change nagios to do the triggering
  • Check to see the services to monitor

Blueprint: server-o-mysql

Action Items

  • [clint-fewbar] package MySQL 5.5 for Debian and Ubuntu
  • [clint-fewbar] package Percona Server for Debian and Ubuntu
  • [clint-fewbar] package MariaDB for Debian and Ubuntu

Blueprint: server-o-opengrok

Action Items

  • [jamepage] identify any outstanding licensing issues around OpenGrok and dependencies

  • [jamespage]: Package remaining OpenGrok dependencies and into a PPA

  • Speak to IS about storage, cpu and deployment
  • Speak to Design Team about how to handle the branding aspect of the web interface
  • [jamesodhunt] Investigate structure of repository and alignment to Ubuntu
  • Determine if it interfaces with BZR
  • Determinie if any additional languages would need to be supported (by writing ctags parsers)

Blueprint: server-o-openstack

Action Items

  • [ttx] share slides "Nova modularity" (and updated)
    • rackspace considered "best practices" also.
  • [openstack] provide a list of questions
    • database backed
    • vlan / flat networking
  • [ubuntu/canonical] need to define the components that are used (mysql/postgres/sqlite, vlan segregation v. flat networking)
  • kvm/xen/hyperv...
  • [ubuntu/canonical] define 2 "topologies" to target
    • small developer install (1 machine -> 2 machines)

    • recommended larger install (may take 3,4,5+ machines)
  • nova, glance & swift integration

  • puppet recpies
  • orchestra integration
  • create ec2 testcases (to verify ec2 compatibility)
  • figure out what installation look like (ie, "uec install")

Blueprint: server-o-orchestra

Action Items

  • investigate adding gpxe support in cobbler
  • review cloud-init, as it might need some changes that make it more consumable here
    • It might be useful to allow at the cobbler (or provisioning level) user-data that then would get to cloud-init.
    • somewhat obvious thought... would potentially be nice if there was an ec2-like api cobbler/orchestra
  • cloud-init should be treated as the "configuration management bootloader", i.e., the gateway to being managed by puppet/chef/ensemble/rightscale/etc
  • initial pxe boot image on the network should be a "collect data and report it" image. Then, when a new system is plugged into the network it will boot that image, and report back its mac and cpu/meminfo/disk...
  • support Ensemble on bare metal
    • they will need a machine installed with Ubuntu (somehow) and the agent running
    • also needs an orchestra api to trigger installations (run machine)
  • pre-execution environment ( boot, collect data about system, report to cobbler )
  • [davewalker] discovery mode (facter) collect system information
  • hardware configuration
  • test squid deb proxy pre-existance (scenario with 2 servers)
  • add wrapper for cobbler that works/looks/feels/acts like the ec2 api
  • [teyo] will help with OpenStack/Puppet modules
  • setup automated testing
  • [clint] get a feel for deploying ensemble on orchestra
    • if this is doable, ensemble and puppet should be interchangeable modules, with ensemble as the default to encourage more formula composition [robbie.w]

Blueprint: server-o-paas-stacks

Action Items

  • Package VMWare's cloudfoundry
  • Package Google's appscale

Blueprint: server-o-personal-cloud

Action Items

  • size and scope what's involved in a U1 client working on server (can lpad ( be used for this?)

  • investigate Diaspora
  • anything that can be done to facilitate small office site-local ubuntu one servers

Blueprint: server-o-postfix-enhancements

Action Items

  • [lamont] multinstance support
  • [spamaps] upstart documentation
  • [spamaps] apport pattern for invalid hostname
  • [lamont] not preseedable - investigate if this is fixable and document it either way
  • [lamont] sqlite support
  • [spamaps] No backscatter by default on new install - investigate
  • [dannf] - unchroot script
  • [ivoks] - mail stack deployments via puppet, etc.
  • [ivoks] - try really hard maintain mail-stack-* packages
  • [kitterman] clean up deprecated packaging changes

Blueprint: server-o-powernap-improvements

Action Items

  • Define sample profiles i.e. For Web Servers, File Servers, Laptops etc
  • Perhaps involve someone on the Desktop Team to improve powernap for Laptops

Blueprint: server-o-puppet-integration

Action Items

  • Add Tasksel options ( server ) to puppet
  • Create Orchestra recipes for:
    • rsyslog
    • nagios
    • cobbler?
    • bzr/git
    • fs creation/management
    • jenkins (master and slave)
    • ha cluster (drdb, pacemaker, corosync, cman)
    • kvm (host and guest?)
    • LXC
    • Xen
    • OpenStack

  • investigate puppet faces
  • Report puppet configuration ( no .d )
  • Investigate methods for helper script for puppet modules install
  • Puppet dashboard packaging from upstream for inclusion in Ubuntu.
  • Puppet 2.7 for inclusion in Natty.

Blueprint: server-o-remote-desktop

Action Items

  • [soren] to package noVNC
  • Investigate how important is sound
  • launching
  • use cases
    1. desktop demo
    2. cloud server admin who just wants a damn desktop
  • MIR server/client packages (if not already in Main)
  • do some real testing of VNC to AWS (from various clients) in comparison to NX
  • would like for cloud/vm/remote-desktop style hardware to be tested by the Ubuntu Desktop team as a valid "hardware platform"
  • support some mechanism for downloading arch or os specific info
  • support configuration via applet parameters
  • download via http or https
  • download a list of files, from different sources

Blueprint: server-o-seed-review

Action Items

******** F I X M E ********

Blueprint: server-o-split-cloud

Action Items

* minimal install disk * dropping tasksel and UEC(under condition) * put what is needed to have a bootstrapping server and mirror

Blueprint: server-o-sru-process-review

Action Items

  • Do a rotation of SRU reviewers like the security team
  • Also have a following rotation of QA/verification of fixes?
  • The business case for additional (full time?) headcount can be generated by measuring the improvement from the 1 week cycle
  • Create a list of backport candidates in a server PPA which users can test and nominate for backporting

Blueprint: server-o-syslog-information

Action Items

******** F I X M E ********

Blueprint: server-o-tomcat7-packaging

Action Items

By Alpha 2:

  • [james-page] work with debian upstream on packaging
  • [james-page] address upstart/init co-existence in debian package
  • [james-page] Investigate OSGi wrapping in Jars

Blueprint: server-o-trusted-cloud

Action Items

Blueprint: server-o-virt-tools

Action Items

  • cloud-utils -> non-native package (so it can be packaged in debian)

  • euca2ools update
  • libguestfs
  • koan/virutal machine builder
  • convirt update would support kvmt
    • Convirt is currently in universe, Canonical OEM Services requesting an MIR
  • improvements on bridging setup for guests
  • [eric williams] file bug that would do bridge setup and use it for system bus.
    • documentation or utility to easily set that up.
    • subscribe soren and smoser
  • soren wants to have p2v and v2p
  • potentially a virt-manager update would get ui for snapshotting
  • document or possibly change some defaults at some places for qed format (qemu-img create -f qed)

Blueprint: server-o-windows-paravirtual-drivers

Action Items

  • Build the latest drivers from the latest source (ahs3)
  • Find out if we want to sign, WHQL, support (possibly code updates), Logo, assign build/test responsibilities for driver updates/LTS releases (MarkBaker)

  • Get input on release(s) to certify from hallyn (mahmoh): target latest LTS + latest Natty
  • Test the drivers as possible - 1) 2008 R2/SCSI on LTS, 2) Natty? (mahmoh)
  • Compare driver performance to existing WHQLed performance (wishlist)

Blueprint: server-o-xen-host

Action Items

  • canonical-kernel-team: enable Xen dom0 support in kernel.
  • canonical-kernel-team: determine if Xen dom0 support requires a new flavour
  • Sync Xen 4.1, with Debian packaging
  • In oneiric, hypervisor and tools probably in Universe.
  • pygrub to support oneiric grub2 config
    • stretch goal: pvgrub2: configuration would be a static pvgrub2 image which is configured to chain load a guest pvgrub2 from a fixed location in guest filesystem; guest pvgrub2 would find and boot guest kernel
    • requires grub2 xenstore client (device enumeration), vbd/blkif module, appropriate mkimage/boot support, may possibly become a new grub2 platform - cjwatson intends to work on this

"Just Do It" Blueprints

These are either previously approved, but deferred blueprints, or work that requires little to no discussion (i.e. mailing list/irc exchange is enough)

Other Team Blueprints

These are blueprints for Server, but delivered by other teams.

ServerTeam/Roadmap/OneiricPlanning (last edited 2011-05-12 12:09:01 by business-89-133-214-82)