
Revision 12 as of 2008-02-18 20:35:14

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This page has for goal to define a server survey that we would ask our community to answer on a regular basis.


In an effort to better understand, support and further the Ubuntu Server Edition we would like to ask you to take this short poll.

The information provided will help us determine where we can improve support, where to add additional resources and to generate a better understanding of the community which we work within.

Please note that this survey is being conducted by the Ubuntu Server Team in conjunction with the Canonical Server Product Management Team. Information about the Server Team is available at


1. How many linux servers do you have running today?

  • 1-10
  • 11-20
  • 21-50
  • 51-100
  • 101+

1a. (if Q1 > 0) What distributions are you using on your servers

  • Ubuntu
  • Fedora
  • Open SuSE
  • RedHat Enterprise

  • Suse Linux Enterprise
  • CentOS
  • Debian
  • Other (specify):

1a1. (if Q1a != Ubuntu) Why did you not choose to use Ubuntu? (multiple choice posible)

  • I did not know Ubuntu had a server version
  • Insufficient hardware certification from my regular hardware supplier
    • with box to name vendor IBM, Sun, HP, Dell, Apple, Nec, Intel, other
  • lack of support or certification from my database vendor
    • with box to name database vendor
  • lack of support or certification from my storage vendor
    • with box to name storage vendor
  • lack of support or certification from my software vendor or application
    • with box to name vendor or application
  • My regular Business Partner cannot provide support
  • My regular Business Partner charges too much for support
  • Canonical charges too much for support
  • We need EAL security certification
  • 5 years maintenance is not long enough
  • I need some feature (explain):
  • Other, explain:

1a2. (if Q1a = Ubuntu) Which Server Edition version do you use (Check all that apply)?

  • 8.04
  • 7.10
  • 7.04
  • 6.10
  • 6.06

1a3. (if Q1a = Ubuntu) Do you plan to deploy additional ubuntu based servers in the future?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Undecided

1a3a. (if Q1a3 = Yes) do you have a timeframe for doing so?

  • 1 month
  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 1 year

1a4. (if Q1a = Ubuntu) What methods of community support have you accessed? (Check all that apply)

  • Ubuntu Forums
  • IRC (
  • Mailing Lists
  • Ubuntu Wiki
  • Other Linux related sites

1a4a. (if Q1a4) did you receive a resolution to your problems from the community support you have used ?

  • Yes
  • Sometimes
  • No

1a5. (if Q1a = Ubuntu) Did you install a graphical interface on your server ?

  • Yes
  • No
  • I did not know I could

1a5a. (if Q1a5 = Yes) What features did you require which led to your installation of the GUI on Ubuntu Server?

  • Please list

1a5. (if Q1a = Ubuntu) What type of applications do you have running on your Ubuntu servers (check all that apply)?

  • Development/Test
  • File server (Samba, NFS, Other)
  • Print server
  • Web server
  • Mail
  • Identity Management
  • Security (Firewall)
  • Security (Mail scan)
  • Security (Intrusion detection)
  • CRM
  • Database
  • Systems management
  • Data mining/analysis
  • Proxy / caching
  • ERP
  • Batch processing
  • Media Streaming/Processing
  • Scientific
  • Backups
  • Linux Terminal Server
  • Virtualization (VMware, KVM, Qemu, etc)
  • Networking ( is this after a specific network function ? )
  • Clustering workloads
  • DNS
  • Others :

1a6. (if Q1a = Ubuntu) Do you consider Ubuntu ready for your mission critical deployment?

  • Yes
  • No

1a6a. (if Q1a6 = No) Why do you think Ubuntu is not ready for mission critical deployment?

  • Quality of technical support
  • Insufficient commercial technical support
  • Only a few Canonical Business Partner are available to provide support
  • Price of available support
  • Canonical is a small company to deal with
  • Insufficient hardware support
  • Insufficient commercial application support
  • Insufficient proven security
  • I am missing some feature (please describe):
  • My company has to validate it
  • Other:

1a7. (if Q1a = Ubuntu) Would you like to be a reference customer for our Ubuntu Server Edition ?

  • Yes
  • No

1a7a. (if Q1a7 = Yes) Please tell us how to reach you

  • Name (required)
  • Email Address (required)
  • Phone Number + area/country code (optional)
  • Timezone (optional)

1b. (if Q1 > 0) Are your servers used at home or at work?

  • Home
  • Work
  • Both

1b1. (if 1b = Work or Both) How many employees does your company have ?

  • 1-10
  • 11-20
  • 21-50
  • 51-100
  • 101-500
  • 501-1,000
  • 1,001-5,000
  • 5,000-10,000

1b2. (if 1b = Work or Both) What sector is your organization involved in?

  • Education
  • Non profit
  • Health
  • Insurance
  • Finance
  • Utilities
  • Travel
  • Retail
  • Publishing
  • Manufacturing
  • Technology (Hardware)
  • Technology (Software)
  • Technology (Services)

1c. (if Q1 > 0) Could you clasify your priorities for the following list of features to be incorporated in an Ubuntu Server product ?

  • Clustering
  • High Perfomance Computing
  • Server Virtualization
  • Virtualization multi node provisioning, management and load balancing tool
  • Grid computing
  • Web single sign on
  • Web management interface
  • Account synchronisation framework for email, file, print, web, ftp with fine grained authorization
  • Identity management and aggregation
  • Systems management application
  • Storage Support
  • Other

1c1. (if 1c = Systems Management) Which system management tools do you use?

  • Dell Open Manage
  • HP Open View
  • IBM Tivoli
  • BMC Patrol
  • CA Unicenter
  • Novell Zenworks
  • Altiris
  • Landesk
  • Nagios
  • Zabbix
  • Munin
  • Other:

1c2. (if 1c = Storage Management) Which storage management type do you use ?

  • EMC
  • Veritas
  • Other:

1d. (if Q1 > 0) Which type of hardware do you run linux servers on?

  • Tower / Desktop PC
  • Dell Server(s)
  • HP/Compaq Servers(s)
  • IBM Server(s)
  • SUN x86 Server(s)
  • NEC Server(s)
  • SIEMENS Server(s)
  • Custom x86/x86_64 Server(s)
  • Virtualization
  • Other

1e. (if Q1 > 0) How many Linux Server are running mission critical applications?

  • 0
  • 1-5
  • 6-10
  • 11-15
  • 16-25
  • 25-50
  • 50+

1e1. (if Q1e > 0) Please tell us which kind of workload(s) you consider mission critical (check all that apply)

  • Development/Test
  • File server (Samba, NFS, Other)
  • Print server
  • Web server
  • Mail
  • Identity Management
  • Security (Firewall)
  • Security (Mail scan)
  • Security (Intrusion detection)
  • CRM
  • Database
  • System management
  • Data mining/analysis
  • Proxy
  • ERP
  • Batch
  • Media Streaming/Processing
  • Scientific
  • Backups
  • Linux Terminal Server
  • Virtualization (VMware, KVM, Qemu, etc)
  • Networking
  • Others :

1e2. (if Q1e > 0) Where would you be more likely to purchase your support contract for these mission critical application?

  • the linux vendors (RedHat, Suse, Canonical, ...)

  • a local system integrator
  • a global system integrator
  • together with your application
  • together with the server hardware
  • We do not need support, even for mission critical loads
  • Other:

2. Has your organization deployed some global directory service and if so, which one(s)

  • Microsoft Active Directory
  • Sun Directory Services
  • Novell eDirectory
  • OpenLDAP
  • Oracle Directory Services
  • IBM Tivoli Directory Server
  • Other:

3. Please estimate how many of the following server operating systems run in your organization

  • Windows : #
  • Linux : #
  • Solaris : #
  • MVS : #
  • AIX : #
  • OS/400 : #
  • VMS : #
  • BSD : #
  • Other : #

4. Does your business run the the following applications on its servers

  • Oracle Database
  • SAP
  • PeopleSoft

  • IBM DB2
  • IBM Domino
  • (to complete)...

5. Is there anything else you would like to tell us?

6. If we have additional questions, can we contact you? If so where?


  • If you use Windows on your servers as well as Ubuntu, how would you rate
    • How Ubuntu and your Windows servers integrate : 1-5
    • How you are able to share services between the two : 1-5
    • The integration of security : 1-5
  • Do you use Ubuntu desktop as a server ?
    • yes
    • no
  • If yes to the previous question, why did you choose the desktop as your server OS ?
    • I had the CD to hand
    • I wanted a GUI
    • I tested the desktop version and put it straight into production
    • I had not considered the server edition

Why did they choose Ubuntu as a server ?