
Revision 35 as of 2008-03-07 19:35:59

Clear message


This page has for goal to define a server survey that we would ask our community to answer on a regular basis.


In an effort to better understand, support and further the Ubuntu Server Edition we would like to ask you to take this short poll.

The information provided will help us determine where we can improve support, where to add additional resources and to generate a better understanding of the community which we work within.

Please note that this survey is being conducted by the Ubuntu Server Team in conjunction with the Canonical Server Product Management Team. Information about the Server Team is available at



The questions have now been put in LimeSurvey. Please find an export of the questions in html format:

Please write your comments in the discussion section below or discuss them in the Server ML or on #ubuntu-server.

Change Requests

  • Please report change requests on [ launchpad]. Doing so will make it easier for us to address specific changes or to manage conversations regarding topics better if they are not on the ML or IRC.


Global Comments

  • Survey "feels" long, that is, it feels like it takes forever to get to the end.
  • There seems to be a regular "No answer" option, this is not really useful for getting stats. I would advocate removing that option where it occurs throughout the survey. --> this is what mark a question "non mandatory" - nijaba

  • The sub-text: "Check any that apply" should probably be "Check all that apply"

Specific Questions