Contact: <jjudeb AT NO SPAM shaw DOT ca>
Tests Results
Create a new result page named after the release being tested. The naming scheme is ReleaseIsotypeArch.
FeistyServerAMD64 - test using ubuntu-server-amd64.iso image from the feisty release.
GutsyRcServerI386 - test using ubuntu-server-i386.iso image from gutsy rc milestone.
HardyAlpha4ServerSPARC - test using ubuntu-server-sparc.iso image from hardy alpha4 milestone.
Hardy20080210ServerI386 - test using ubuntu-server-i386.iso image from 20080210 daily build.
/DapperServerAMD64 |
Hardware specification
Pci configuration
sudo lspci -vvnn
ServerTestingTeam/DellPowerEdge1850 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:32:53 by localhost)