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Launchpad Entry:
Created: 2025-03-06 by JimHutchinson
Packages affected:
Develop a system whereby users can mark more than one answer as having helped to solve their problem.
Release Note
This will help guide users of the answer tracker in specifying which answer(s) helped them to solve their problem. This should decrease the number of questions in which no one received any credit. In addition, future users will have a better indication of what solution was useful and give them an idea where to start with their own problem if it is similar.
Currently, users often do not know that they should mark a problem solved by clicking the button contained in each proposed answer. Sometimes more than one answer was useful and it is currently not possible to mark them all. As a result, members who take the time to help are often not recognized for their efforts - either because the user was only able to mark one answer or because they did not mark any.
Use Cases
- Sally gave a detailed answer to John's question but forget to mention that they needed to use "sudo" before a command. John tries the answer but when it doesn't work he returns to ask for more help. Joe notices that they just need to use "sudo" and posts the information. John returns and marks the problem solved by clicking Joe's answer. While this last bit of information technically solved the problem, it was Sally's detailed response that provided the important information. As a result, the person who took the most time to solve the problem will receive zero credit.
- Sally offers an answer that solves John's question. John posts a comment saying thanks and clicks the problem solved button. Sally receives no credit for helping and depending on the thread future users may not know which answer actually worked.
- That it is important to ensure recognition is given to members taking the time to respond to questions.
- That not all users understand how Launchpad works or the method by which recognition is given in Launchpad.
- That a modified UI will help to address the problem.
Rather than using a "this solved my problem" button located within each proposed answer, have a "This Worked" or "This Solution Helped" box that can be checked and allow checking multiple boxes. The "Problem Solved" button will not submit if no boxes are checked. When a user clicks the "Problem Solved" button without having marked any answers they should be presented with a dialog that says something to the effect of "Please check all answers that helped you to solve the problem before clicking "Problem Solved". It should not allow submission of a comment with the "Problem Solved" button unless at least one answer is checked.
In addition, the user should have the option to check a box that says they managed to solve the problem on their own. The previous implementation of the "I Solved My Own Problem" was somewhat problematic as was well documented in bug 107810. The current implementation does away with this button but now users are likely to click "Problem Solved" without marking any answer. Perhaps a check box next to the "Problem Solved" button that says "I Managed To Solve This By Myself" or similar would suffice. In this way, users have the option to mark that they solved their own problem and/or click the one or more answers that helped.
- Note: If users are encouraged to check that they managed to solve their problem on their own, then it might be good to give them an opportunity or encourage them to explain how. That way they would be helping any future users searching the database for solutions.
It would be nice to include a brief dialog somewhere (perhaps when submitting?) that ask users to be sure and return and "clean up" questions once resolved rather than leaving them open. The simplest solution is probably best, but educating users about Launchpad etiquette would be beneficial.
UI Changes
- Change "This Solve My Problem" button to a check box and allow checking multiple boxes.
- Change function of the "Problem Solved" button to only work when at least one box is checked. A reminder dialog pops up if no box is checked.
I like the suggestion that we change the answer messages to use checkboxes, and award multiple contributors karma when appropriate. I think we need to allow owners to solve the problem themselves, so they may check their own message. The dialog seems is too intrusive; I do not think it will teach owners how to use Answers. Maybe is misunderstand. The form should not submit a solution if a message is not selected. A well presented message in the page would suffice. I think The 'solved' messages from owners are generous and supportive, they genuinely do not understand their responsibility. Just getting owners to scan the form, and choose one checkbox is enough for them to understand that they have an obligation to affirm which answers are best. --CurtisHovey
Curtis, thanks for the suggestions. I agree that the original specification was probably a bit too cumbersome. I cleaned up a bit. I hope it is now simpler and more clear. 2025-03-06 by JimHutchinson
SharedRecognition (last edited 2008-08-06 16:40:04 by localhost)