Your comments on the design of the Ubuntu Software Center are welcome here. Please comment at the bottom of the page, and sign your name with each comment. Create a subpage for long suggestions. Thanks!

= Submitting Screenshots =

As per bug 433841, a facility to submit screenshots to would be a good addition to Software Center. Below is a mockup of what I think would be useful.


Any comments?

-/- and471


Hi! This was originally posted as bug #600414 but it was suggested it was better as a comment so here goes.

Issue 1: I try to avoid installing any KDE packages because of all the KDE libraries that get installed with them, as my disk space is limited.

Previously in the old software installation package (Gnome-app-install) you listed the "target desktop manager" e.g. KDE, Gnome or GTK or similar, giving an good idea of if a package would work without having to install lots of libraries, and if it was would fit in - e.g. gnome app under gnome.

Issue 2: Previously there was also a rating giving an accurate idea of how useful the application is. I wouldn't bother installing a 2 star application if there was an equivalent with more stars. This issue is the subject of Bug #432525 and hopefully will be "fixed" in V2.

Issue 3: I appreciate that you can install applications in the background whilst still browsing through software center, however I find that this slows the application down and feels very "clunky". I would appreciate a "batch install" mode that similar to what you could use in synaptic or gnome-app-install.

I hope this is an acceptable addition - this is my first wiki edit! Smile :-)


Visible Info:

A few examples of these strange "alien" apps that give no hint of what they are on the "What's New" category were: "Okteta", "Buxon", "ARAnyM", "KsCD" and many others. So if people can't quickly see what they are they will avoid checking them out... barely anyone will get excited about the "What's New / Featured" showcase. An icon and a weird name don't really say much. I Hope it can become a real showcase that people will want to check often, maybe even make a purchase on the spot, etc. Smile :) Right now it seems the only way of really learning or getting excited about these new apps is through "external sources" like blogs posts. And with the new rating system coming soon, it would be good to get people motivated to take these New listings as soon as they appear and review them (or even report problems/bugs). Thanks ---manny


Add more application-related info to the USC

Just add some info like

*the number of install (per week) *the date of the last update *the minimum hardware requirements

of an app. Maybe the info shouldn't be displayed at the bottom, but at the side, like in the android market:

Another thought:

Let the package maintainer add more than only 1 screenshot to show off more of the software GUI. ---Toxicbits

Confusing Terminology:

Certain terms used in the software centre can be confusing to new users. All terminology should be reviewed taking into consideration a new user's lack of familiarity with the Ubuntu environment, community, and jargon.

Some exmaples:

* "natty-parters" - throughout installation and boot Ubuntu refers to itself as [version number], not by its codename. So what exactly is a natty partner?

* "Canonical" - The canonical brand also doesn't appear until the software centre, many users don't know it (one asked "why the religious reference?"). More clarity needed.

* "Software Source" - could be confused with source code, as opposed to software repository. Also not clear that adding a source for an app (e.g. Skype) does not automatically install that app. Recommendation would be to install apps directly and inform the user that they are adding a new "Update site" or "Update source" -jon-chambers3001

Deleting personal settings

Additionally to an option to purge a package there should be the possibility to remove ~/.<packagename> which is currently only possible to by hand or using Ubuntu Tweak. Basically I want to able to get back to a clean system without reinstalling it. ---Toxicbits

Who owns this project

Hi just wondering who owns this project // which irc groups do they use // who do you ask about things if you want to know?

Design Research

Hello, I was wondering where the design research that has been done is hiding. I am mostly interested in what has been done to identify the target user or user(s) // archetypes that have been created.

Can't Submit Reviews For Packages that Won't Install

I just noticed that if a package won't install properly, it is not possible to write a review for it. There should be a way for users to review a package even if it is not installed. For example I might want to give it a review comment saying 'doesn't install on Ubuntu version X', or I might have it install at the office and want to write my review from my home computer which doesn't have the software.

It would also be nice if there were a web front-end to the Software Center, something like Firefox's plugin web page, were users can browse the Software Center and even rate packages and write reviews.

SoftwareCenter/Comments (last edited 2011-08-06 01:48:37 by nttkyo389203)