Who Are We

The South Dakota Local Community Team (SD LoCo) is a team of Ubuntu users. We all live or have lived in the state of South Dakota.

Our Mission

The mission of the South Dakota LoCo is to provide support for South Dakotans using Ubuntu. This is achieved by building an active and vibrant community of South Dakotans giving and receiving support.

Why Join The Team

By joining the team you will get the following benefits:

Become a Member

Becoming a member of our team is now easier than ever. With focus on integration, we've taken a large part of the user action out of it.

Note: only residents of the State of South Dakota are eligible to become members. You may be asked, as a condition of approval, to provide verification that you live in the State of South Dakota.

To become a member of our team:

  1. Create a Launchpad account.

  2. Join our SD LoCo Team.

When joining the team, be sure to sign up for mailing list notifications. This is a fairly low activity list. Once your application is approved, you will be able to post to the list as well.

Join the IRC channel on Freenode at #ubuntu-us-sd once in a while. You can also access this via the IRC link at our site.

After you're accepted you will be able to:

Why Choose Ubuntu

Ubuntu was founded on the philosophy that software should be free of charge, open source, and community maintained. As a result, Ubuntu is and always will be completely free software. You'll never incur any costly licensing fees and can download, use and share Ubuntu with your friends, family, school or business for absolutely nothing. In fact, you are encouraged to do so.

A standard Ubuntu installation should complete in about 25 minutes. The easy-to-use graphical installer creates a system complete with everything you need to get up-and-running: a fully productive office suite, internet applications (browser, email, calendar), graphics software, music and video players, and games.

Other Questions

Less frequently asked questions can be found in the KB.

SouthDakotaTeam/FAQ (last edited 2009-10-26 07:06:50 by 138)