
  • Note that only days with a red square have an event scheduled. The other days are links (we can't change this).

Last Month

This Month

Next Month

<<MonthCalendar: execution failed [Argument "anniversary" must be a boolean value, not "southdakotateam/monthcalendartemplate"] (see also the log)>>

<<MonthCalendar: execution failed [Argument "anniversary" must be a boolean value, not "southdakotateam/monthcalendartemplate"] (see also the log)>>

<<MonthCalendar: execution failed [Argument "anniversary" must be a boolean value, not "southdakotateam/monthcalendartemplate"] (see also the log)>>

Upcoming Events

The following have been converted from pretty tables to links to other pages to reduce page load time.


Please read our Adding Events Steps before adding ANY events. Pages are automatically created with our process and added to the calendar as well.

Install Fest: If you will be hosting an install fest, please use the Install Fest Material.

SouthDakotaTeam/Events (last edited 2009-10-26 06:57:29 by 138)