Launchpad Entry: lubuntu-lucid-default-applications
Created: 2009-10-25
Contributors: Julien Lavergne
Packages affected: lubuntu-desktop
This spec is about updating default applications for Lubuntu.
Release Note
The update of default applications will affect users of Lubuntu Live-CD, and the applications installed by default when someone install Lubuntu on his disk.
Since the last choice was done, programs changed and more people can give their opinion about applications by default. Also, with the release of the lubuntu-desktop package on Karmic, there will be additional feedback from the community and end-users.
User stories
General plan
Current plan is to stay with the list we have in Karmic cycle. If application need to be changed, a discussion will be open to see if we need to change it and by which application.
Action Items:
- Determine areas not currently covered in Karmic seed that still need to be addressed
- Image manip (gimp for ship cd)
- Scanner app (gscan2pdf for default apps? gimp recommends dependency)
- Image viewer (
- A splash before login manager (usplash or plymouth if ready)
- Tasks manager (LXtasks not in archive, use xfce one ?)
- Clipboard manager, C/P not possible if the application is closed (parcelitte ?)
- Language selector (existing language-selector need to be ported to not install GNOME stuff)
- Calendar support (for events)
- Add to seed: lxdm, lubuntu-artwork, lubuntu-default-settings
- Applications that need discussion :
- Office Suite (Open Office) (change to ship vs default)
- Browser (firefox)
- heavy weight app
- Video Player (smplayer)
- requires qt
- Connection Manager (wicd)
Like: verbose, clear about connection process & result, can do +1 user
- E-mail client (sylpheed)
- Instant messaging (pidgin - lots of gnome dependencies, maybe alternate build)
- Bluetooth (gnome stack vs lighter version)
- Vote on identified items, with discussion on mailing list/wiki page
- Make a IRC meeting to decide the applications list.
Update and summarized explanation of some choices. The goal is to make a reference when people will say « I want this by default »
- Update the seed and upload to the archive.
UI Changes
No specific UI changes, except the changes of the applications.
Code Changes
Update the seed (
First version of lubuntu-desktop was mostly a prototype, so any migration is not needed for Lubuntu Lucid.
Test/Demo Plan
- Test cases will be part of the packaging policy spec.
Unresolved issues
Nothing for now (2009-10-25)
BoF agenda and discussion
Items discussed during the UDS
Goal: How to decide which applicaion will be installed by default
Criteria Suggested:
- pure gtk, not layered toolkits
- start from existing list of apps (from Karmic) and address as change request
Changes in seed:
- Determine areas not currently covered in Karmic seed that still need to be addressed
- Image manip (gimp for ship cd)
- Scanner app (gscan2pdf for default apps? gimp recommends dependency)
- Image viewer (
- Add to seed: lxdm, lubuntu-artwork, lubuntu-default-settings
- Applications that need discussion :
- Office Suite (Open Office) (change to ship vs default)
- Browser (firefox)
- heavy weight app
- Video Player (smplayer)
- requires qt
- Connection Manager (wicd)
Like: verbose, clear about connection process & result, can do +1 user
- E-mail client (sylpheed)
- Instant messaging (pidgin - lots of gnome dependencies, maybe alternate build)
- Bluetooth (gnome stack vs lighter version)
- Vote on identified items, with discussion on mailing list/wiki page
- Make a IRC meeting to decide the applications list.
Update and summarized explanation of some choices. The goal is to make a reference when people will say « I want this by default »
- Update the seed and upload to the archive.
Applications to install by default and application to ship on the CD (example OpenOffice)
Action Items
- Schedule IRC meeting regulary (1 a mounth)
- Next meeting : discuss about the application list
- Goal : have a seed ready for alpha 1 (approuval for Realease Team)
Criteria Suggested
- pure gtk, not layered toolkits
- start from existing list of apps (from Karmic) and address as change request
By default vs Shipped on the CD
Applications to install by default and application to ship on the CD (example OpenOffice)
Specs/LubuntuLucidApplications (last edited 2009-11-30 21:41:30 by pool-71-255-19-134)