
Revision 1 as of 2009-12-02 16:00:20

Clear message




Proof of concept script

log() {
    echo "$*" >&2

hex2dec() {
    printf "%d\n" "$1"

BOOT_SIZE="$((16 * 1024 * 1024))"

# create MBR
log "initializing disk label (MBR and partition table)..."
parted -s "$IMAGE" mklabel msdos

# create uboot partition
log "creating uboot partition..."
UBOOT_SIZE=$(wc -c uboot-imx51_to2.bin|cut -d ' ' -f1)
parted -s "$IMAGE" mkpart primary fat32 "512B" "$(($UBOOT_SIZE - 1))B"

# make partition1 be "Non-FS data"
PART1_ID_OFFSET="$(hex2dec 0x1c2)"
printf '\xda' | dd conv=notrunc bs="$PART1_ID_OFFSET" of="$IMAGE" seek=1 2>/dev/null

# outputs actual partition start offset, end offset, and length, suffixed with
# B
get_part_data() {
    local n="$1"

    LANG=C parted -s "$IMAGE" unit B print | awk "/^ $n / { print \$2 \" \" \$3 \" \" \$4 }"

    # safer version using parted -m; needs newer parted
    #LANG=C parted -m -s "$IMAGE" unit B print | grep "^$n:" | cut -d: -f 2,3,4 --output-delimiter=" "

PART1_END_B="`(set -- $(get_part_data 1); echo "$2")`"

# dump uboot in place
log "writing uboot to disk..."
dd conv=notrunc bs=1024 if=uboot-imx51_to2.bin of="$IMAGE" seek=1 skip=1

# create /boot
parted -s "$IMAGE" mkpart primary fat32 "$((${PART1_END_B%B} + 1))B" "${BOOT_SIZE}B"

PART2_START_B="`(set -- $(get_part_data 2); echo "$1")`"
dd if=/dev/zero of=./boot.img bs=1024 count=$(($BOOT_SIZE / 1024))
mkdosfs ./boot.img

# copy kernel and initramfs in place here
mcopy -i ./boot.img /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-14-generic-pae ::vmlinuz

dd conv=notrunc bs=${PART2_START_B%B} if=./boot.img of="$IMAGE" seek=1
rm ./boot.img