This pages list all the packages in the Mer OBS archive which needs to be added/merged/synched to the ubuntu repo.
Packages in this list are in the Mer OBS archive for one or both these reasons:
- package is not in ubuntu
- package have been patched or modified from the ubuntu version
If you want to collaborate you should:
- grab a package from the list
download the Mer version of the package from the Mer OBS repo
- download the same package from from Ubuntu Jaunty repo.
- Check both packages and track differences (diff -Naru will help you in this stuff)
What to do next with the .diff(s) have not decided yet, they could:
- be merged in one package and add a package-mer stanza which will apply the differences found into mer packages. So when building there will be at least two debs, one which is packagename and one which is packagename-mer.
- Be uploaded to REVU
- Added to ubuntu repo
Package |
Status |
Assignment |
alarmd |
alsa-plugins |
apt |
auto-startx |
base64 |
blueman |
build |
certman |
circular-syslogd |
clinkc |
clipboard-manager |
cnetworkmanager |
core-pattern |
dbus-glib |
docpurge |
epeg |
evkey |
extras-repository |
findutils |
finefm |
first-boot-wizard |
gail |
galculator |
gconf2 |
glib2.0 |
gnome-vfs-filechooser-backend |
gtk+2.0 |
gtk20-l10n |
gtkhtml |
hal |
hildon-application-manager |
hildon-application-manager-l10n-public |
hildon-common-strings-l10n-public |
hildon-control-panel |
hildon-control-panel-l10n-public |
hildon-cpa-dummy |
hildon-desktop |
hildon-desktop-env |
hildon-desktop-layout-alpha |
hildon-fm-l10n-public |
hildon-home-weather |
hildon-icons |
hildon-initscripts |
hildon-input-method |
hildon-input-method-framework |
hildon-input-method-l10n-public |
hildon-input-method-plugins-example |
hildon-libs-l10n-public |
hildon-plugins-settings |
hildon-theme-cacher |
hildon-theme-layout-mer |
hildon-theme-liberty-mer |
hildon-theme-selector |
hildon-theme-sumea-mer |
hildon-theme-tools |
hildon-thumbnail |
him-arabic |
homeip |
icd2-osso-ic-dev |
ke-recv-l10n-public |
large-statusbar-clock |
libconbtui |
libconic |
libdb1 |
liberty-sounds-ui |
libhildon |
libhildonfm |
libhildonhelp |
libhildonmime |
libmatchbox1 |
libosso |
libxsp |
load-applet |
maemo-af-desktop-l10n-public |
maemo-launcher |
maemo-launcher-dev |
maemopad |
maemopadplus |
marketing-release-public |
marquee-plugins |
matchbox-window-manager |
mce-dev |
mer-platform |
midori |
mirage |
network-manager-applet |
osc |
osso-af-settings |
osso-af-utils |
osso-applet-tasknavigator-l10n-public |
osso-gnome-vfs2 |
osso-gnomevfs-extra |
osso-gwconnect |
osso-gwobex |
osso-system-lock-l10n-public |
osso-systemui-dbus-dev |
osso-uri-l10n-public |
osso-xterm |
powerlaunch |
pygtk |
python-conic |
python-hildon |
python-hildondesktop |
python-launcher |
python-osso |
sapwood |
screenshot-tool |
sudo |
tablet-browser-interface |
tslib |
ttf-droid |
ubuntulooks |
upstart |
utelnetd |
vte |
waitdbus |
webkit |
wpeditor |
x11proto-xsp |
xchat |
xf86-input-tslib |
xkeyboard-config |
xresponse-visualize |
zenity |
Specs/MobileMidKarmicUseMer/Packaging (last edited 2009-06-11 23:13:22 by 93-34-56-245)