Squid Updates
This document describes the policy for doing micro-release updates of the Squid package in Ubuntu stable releases.
About Squid
Squid is a high-performance proxy caching server for web clients, supporting FTP, gopher, ICY and HTTP data objects.
Upstream release policy
As described in http://wiki.squid-cache.org/DeveloperResources/ReleaseProcess and discussed in the upstream mailing list at http://lists.squid-cache.org/pipermail/squid-dev/2015-March/001853.html, starting in Squid 4, Squid follows a Major.Point release policy where the Point releases could be considered new upstream microreleases as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#New_upstream_microreleases.
This has been recently confirmed through the squid users mailing list in http://lists.squid-cache.org/pipermail/squid-users/2023-January/025586.html
New releases are cut when one of the following criteria is met:
- At least one new major, critical, or blocker bug is fixed.
- OR, 4 or more less important bugs have been fixed.
- OR, 100 lines or more have been changed in the code.
Releases in the X.Y.Z format should be ignored since these are considered beta releases.
Ubuntu and Squid releases affected by this MRE
Currently, these are the Ubuntu releases and the corresponding Squid package versions affected by this policy:
- Kinetic (22.10): Squid 5.x
- Jammy (22.04): Squid 5.x
This MRE should be also applicable to future Ubuntu releases as long as the Squid release policy is not changed regarding the formats and commitments described above.
Upstream tests
Squid contains an extensive testsuite that is executed during the Ubuntu package build time on all supported architectures.
While the downstream test suite (autopkgtest) does contain simple integration tests to ensure the server runs, listens and responds properly, the upstream tests are composed of unit tests checking isolated behaviors and performing code checks. While the test suite is available and the code base is (apparently) extensive, we could not find any benchmarks or coverage data for that.
Upstream CI
The upstream project performs builds for different OSes and platforms from different branches in a continuous manner. This process is described in http://wiki.squid-cache.org/BuildFarm and is performed in Squid's own Jenkins instance at http://build.squid-cache.org/.
GitHub Actions
All changes to the upstream code base are tested through GitHub Actions before being incorporated. This is done as per https://github.com/squid-cache/squid/blob/master/.github/workflows/default.yaml. Test results are available at https://github.com/squid-cache/squid/actions.
The package contains two of DEP-8 tests. The first runs the upstream test suite on the installed package. The second runs simple checks to ensure the proxy server is up, running and responding to simple requests.
As with regular MREs, we aim to offer bug and security fixes to all supported releases. This will be done by
- Filing a bug to cover the MRE (e.g. "New upstream microreleases 5.x, y.z") with one task for each Ubuntu release which will receive a Squid update. This bug should follow the SRU template described below.
- Uploading the package to the proposed pocket (if it's a non-security upload), and, once approved, perform all needed verification steps and keep an eye on the excuses page to investigate any DEP8 failures that may occur.
SRU template
This bug tracks the following MRE updates for the Squid package:
- [Release codename] ([Release version]): Squid [Squid version]
- [...]
This update includes bugfixes following the SRU policy exception defined at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SquidUpdates.
[Upstream changes]
TODO: Add a link to the upstream changelog
TODO: List the major changes introduced in this release
[Test Plan]
TODO: link the build log containing all tests being executed
TODO: All tests are passing during build time, as shown in the build log (builds would fail otherwise, see LP: #2004050).
TODO: add results of local autopkgtest run against all the new Squid versions being uploaded here
[Regression Potential]
Upstream tests are always executed during build-time. Failures would prevent builds from succeeding.
Squid does not have many reverse dependencies. However, any upgrade is a risk to introduce breakage to other packages. Whenever a regression occurs in autopkgtests, we will investigate and provide fixes.
TODO: consider any other regression potential specific to the version being updated and list them here if any.
[Other Info]
TODO-A: No CVEs are being addressed this time. Therefore, this should go through the updates pockets.
TODO-B: CVEs TBD are being addressed by these updates. Therefore, this update should go through the security pocket.
TODO: list previous MREs for this package, if any.
SquidUpdates (last edited 2023-02-01 18:56:26 by athos-ribeiro)