
Dapper Release Party - 4th June 2006 at Excel World, 1pm onwards

We're hoping to have a release party along with these other release parties. Join us at Excel World on Darley Road, Colombo 10 for an afternoon and evening of FOSS, Ubuntu and all round geekery. Bring your machines, gadgets and significant others - the event is open for everyone. Smile :)

The Sri Lankan Loco Team will be present along with other Ubuntu enthusiasts. It'll be a great opportunity for you to find out how you can spread the word about FOSS as well. We plan to have some Dapper CDs to throw around as well, so come pick up the newest Ubuntu release for free (offer valid till stocks last ;-)).


If you plan on attending, please sign below by using your wiki name.

  1. MahanguWeerasinghe

  2. ArunanSkanthan

  3. Chamindra

  4. Tyrell

  5. DilanthaNanayakkara

  6. Nilindra Fernando
  7. Nazly

Post Party

Well, the party went off swimmingly, with around thirty people turning up at various times. It turns out the Pre-Party guest list was nothing to go by. Smile :) A lot of Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu/Edubuntu CDs were burned and passed around, with some even finding themselves in to the hands of onlookers.

Although we got off to a slow start, we soon had a sign up and then people started arriving. There was a lot of talk (both IRL and on IRC) and everyone ate, drank, and burned ISOs. It was great.

Much thanks to Dilantha for printing out these cool stickers. Our CDs looked professional, yo! We custom burned them and handed them out on demand. Are we hawt or what?

Suchetha approached a couple of guys sitting around a (Windoze) laptop and gave them an Ubuntu CD. Pretty soon they were back, asking for a second one. Naturally we obliged. Free as in Beer, people.

To everyone who turned up and contributed, thanks guys, and let's do it again sometime. Excel World is a great venue, and kudos goes out to them for opening up their wifi. Viva la bandwidth! Viva la Free Software!

Post Party Blog Entries

  • 1.Tyrell - With the Dapper release, they have improved so many things, which makes their moto "Linux for human beings" very realistic.



SriLankanTeam/DapperReleaseParty (last edited 2008-08-06 16:26:52 by localhost)