This document describes the policy for updating the thermald package to new upstream versions in a stable, supported distro (including LTS releases).
The thermald is the temperature monitoring daemon used on Intel platform. It can help to escalate/de-escalate the power consumption of CPU and modulate the fan speed to cool the machine and control the temperature.
It's maintained by Intel's engineer, Srinivas Pandruvada.
New versions of thermald can be SRU'd in to older releases provided the following process is followed.
QA Process
When a new version of thermald is uploaded to -proposed, the following will be done:
- each change must be reviewed and approved by the upstream maintainer.
- each change must be fully tested at unit level.
- all the unit tests must pass in all the supported Intel CPUs.
- all the bugs reported in launchpad that will be fixed in this release must have a link in changelog.
- thermald package is tested if it can be upgraded from the previous version
- Perform the stress tests(stress-ng, mprime) on the all supported Intel CPUs and check if the CPU temperature is limited.
Requesting the SRU
The SRU should be done with a single process bug for this stable release exception, instead of individual bug reports for individual bug fixes. However, individual bugs may be referenced in the changelog and each of those bugs will need to be independently verified and commented on for the SRU to be considered complete.
StableReleaseUpdates/thermald (last edited 2022-09-20 04:51:51 by kobako)