
Differences between revisions 1 and 37 (spanning 36 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2005-07-05 08:02:37
Size: 313
Editor: 59
Comment: who am i
Revision 37 as of 2007-04-25 17:43:13
Size: 6858
Editor: triband-mum-59
Comment: kde-w
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#format wiki

||<tablestyle="width: 100%; text-align: center">||
||<style="color: #816647; background: #ffcc00; font-weight: bold; font-size: larger"> '''नमस्ते ... स्वाागतम् ''' ||

||<tablestyle="float:right; font-size: 0.9em; width:30%; background:#F7EFDF url(/Classroom/MockUp?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=watermark.png) no-repeat right; margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" style="padding:0.5em;">'''Contents'''[[BR]][[TableOfContents]]||

''' Hello and Welcome '''

= Vidya Ayer =

Hails from India and is an Ubuntu user since Warty. [[BR]] She currently volunteers for [ Ubuntu], [ Ubuntu-Women], [ Linuxchix], [ Debian-Women] and [ DMOZ].
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== hello ubuntuers ! == == Contact ==
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i use ubuntu and love it ! its much better than other linux distros (no names please) i used earlier. so i decided to return something to the community and share so others can benefit like i did.
hmmm ....i dont have anything else to say :-) so if you have questions write to me.
 {*} IRC : svaksha

 {*} Email :

 {*} [ Launchpad Profile]

 {*} [ Ubuntu-Women wikipage]

 {*} Blog : []

= FOSS & Ubuntu Volunteer Experience =

== ==

 * Admins the [ Newchix] and [ Job-posts] mailing lists for [ LinuxChix], an online community for women "using" Linux.

== Kde-women ==

 * Admin the [ KDE-Women mailing list].

== ==

 * [ Editor] at [ Dmoz], [ MusicMoz] since 2003. [[BR]] Currently restricted to anything related to [ Ubuntu], [ Libre software for music and audio], and [ Sanskrit].

== Ubuntu-Women ==

 {*} Founded [ Ubuntu-Women] - [ Launchpad]

 * Designed, created, wrote and implemented the contents for static and wiki pages for the new website while migrating from the [ old wiki page].

 * Maintains the website and admins the [ UW mailing list].

 * Co-ordinates the [ mentoring] project with [ Elizabeth Krumbach] and guides new users on how to contribute to Ubuntu. Also wrote the [ Mentoring FAQ], IRC guidelines, and many other [ U-W Wiki] pages.

== Ubuntu Fridge ==

 {*} Editor at the [ Ubuntu Fridge] - [ Launchpad]

 * Hopes to stock the Fridge with news, articles, and other bytes flowing in from the Ubuntu community.

 * Plans to synchronise news with grassroots marketing, events, advocacy, team collaboration, and other sound bytes.

== Ubuntu Bug-Squad ==

 {*} BugSquad - [ Launchpad]

 * Squashes bugs on Malone and Ubuntu-bugzilla.

 1. Bugs reported

 * [ 1545]
 * [ 1558]
 * [ 3445]
 * [ 37447]
 * [ 37880]
 * Cant remember the numbers for the other bugs filed.

 2. Bugs triaged

 * [ bug_3419]
 * [ bug_3228]
 * [ bug_3163]
 * [ bug_3385]

== Ubuntu Marketing ==

 {*} MarketingTeam - [ Launchpad]

 * Active on the list and assists Marketing team members in planning and when required.

 {*} UbuntuMagazine : Created a [ Milestones specification] for the Ubuntu Magazine which may now be frozen with the Fridge.

== Debian/Ubuntu Translation/Localisation ==

 {*} Sanskrit Translators [ Launchpad]

 * Co-wrote a [ Sanskrit (SA) language locale] with Christian Perrier (bubulle), which awaits inclusion in the Debian package : belocs-locales-data and also in package: locales (version: 2.3.5-6).
 * Translates for the Sanskrit localisation of packages in Ubuntu. Plans to increase volunteer translators for Sanskrit, a classical Indian language. Main impediments are its classical roots, lack of regular usage. Low, almost '''zero''' commercial value has also contributed to the low interest and is considered a dead language by many people.

== Advocacy, Misc ==

 * Various contributions in different Wiki's, community groups/teams and Ubuntu mailing lists.
 * Time-permitting, hopes to pitch in with tasks and be useful to the Motu's by trying to learn about packaging, testing, other technical details about Ubuntu, its relation with Debian and how they work in tandem.

 * Advocates Ubuntu awareness whenever possible by distributing surplus Hoary, Breezy and Dapper CD's to many people locally and found students using it more than engineers in the IT industry.

== Ubuntu-IN Loco Team ==

 {*} [ Ubuntu-IN] : Wrote the [ initial drafts] for the Indian Loco team.

 * Was involved with the [ setting up] of the Ubuntu-IN Loco team
 * Was the mailing [ list admin] for a short while.

== Wiki Contributions ==

 * (now a part of Ubuntu documentation)
 * (has moved to new site)
 * (moved to new site)
 * (moved to new site)
 * [ Ubuntu Weekly News issue #9] : Here is the [ original paragraph contributed] for the MOTU School article.



नमस्ते ... स्वाागतम्

Hello and Welcome

Vidya Ayer

Hails from India and is an Ubuntu user since Warty. BR She currently volunteers for [ Ubuntu], [ Ubuntu-Women], [ Linuxchix], [ Debian-Women] and [ DMOZ].


FOSS & Ubuntu Volunteer Experience



Ubuntu Fridge

Ubuntu Bug-Squad

Ubuntu Marketing

Debian/Ubuntu Translation/Localisation

  • Ubuntu Sanskrit Translators [ Launchpad]

  • Co-wrote a [ Sanskrit (SA) language locale] with Christian Perrier (bubulle), which awaits inclusion in the Debian package : belocs-locales-data and also in package: locales (version: 2.3.5-6).

  • Translates for the Sanskrit localisation of packages in Ubuntu. Plans to increase volunteer translators for Sanskrit, a classical Indian language. Main impediments are its classical roots, lack of regular usage. Low, almost zero commercial value has also contributed to the low interest and is considered a dead language by many people.

Advocacy, Misc

  • Various contributions in different Wiki's, community groups/teams and Ubuntu mailing lists.
  • Time-permitting, hopes to pitch in with tasks and be useful to the Motu's by trying to learn about packaging, testing, other technical details about Ubuntu, its relation with Debian and how they work in tandem.
  • Advocates Ubuntu awareness whenever possible by distributing surplus Hoary, Breezy and Dapper CD's to many people locally and found students using it more than engineers in the IT industry.

Ubuntu-IN Loco Team

Wiki Contributions

FullSearch() Navigation(children,1)


Svaksha (last edited 2015-05-13 19:25:04 by tor-exit-01)