Connecting to the #Ubuntu-ch IRC channel:

Good news: you Ubuntu installation already has all the needed software! For this you will use "Pidgin", which sits in your "Applications" > "Internet" menu (the icon is a purple bird - a pigeon).

Creating an IRC account

If pidgin doesn't greet you with an "add account" screen (most probably because you have already created an instant messaging account before), click "Accounts" then "Manage".

The only things you need to change are the following:

  • In the protocol drop-down box, choose "IRC"
  • In "Screen Name", type in whatever nickname you whish to be known as.
  • "Local alias" is the name of the account itself. I use "Ubuntu-IRC".

You can now click "save".

Login to the Ubuntu-ch chat room

Now in the main pidgin window, choose "Buddies" then "Add chat". This is the last form you need to fill in.

  • Choose your recently created IRC account from the drop-down box.
  • In "channel", type "#ubuntu-ch" (note the # in front of it - it is required).

  • "Password" in not required.
  • "Alias" is what you want the chat to appear as in your contacts list. I chose "Ubuntu-ch", but anything is fine here (like "Swiss LoCo Team Chat" or whatever you wish).

Click "Add".

Now double click on the newly created chat in your contacts list: Welcome aboard!

SwissTeam/IRC (last edited 2010-07-29 16:04:37 by host146-41-dynamic)