2008 December Team Reports
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Community Council
- Meeting 2008-12-16:
PlanetUbuntu/CorporateBlogs was agreed on and the request for the addition of the Oxford Archaeology blog granted.
Mark will ask Nigel Pugh about interest in a Google Calendar <-> IRC gateway. Daniel will mail Nick Ali about trying to get people involved in finding a solution.
- The decision on a Canonical/Ubuntu participation in a Tunisian FOSS conference was unfortunately too late.
The three nominees for the IRC Council were appointed, the IRC Council will be asked for their OK with changing their charter to read "... at least 5 members ..." instead. The possibility of a future "IRC Contributors" team was discussed and the new IRC Council will look into finalising this. The ownership of the ~ubuntu-irc-council team was transferred to the CC.
Ubuntu Development Teams
- We're pleased to announce that Stefan Ebner joined the MOTU team.
- We're very happy to announce that David Futcher just joined the MOTU team. He did great work in the last weeks and lives in Scotland.
- Stéphane Graber joined the MOTU team. Having put a lot of effort into LTSP and friends, we were only too happy to welcome him on board.
- Nathan Handler just joined the MOTU team. He has done fantastic work and we're very happy he's on board now.
Mobile Team
- Some of the team on holiday and UDS so a quiet month
- Work on armel build failures and depwaits including filing bugs #308834 and bug #308465
- Fixed xine-lib FTBFS (4 issues combined).
- xulrunner-1.9 ubuntu-mobile hardy ppa upload; seems to be trivial to follow the hardy xulrunner-1.9 branch.
- Sent pkg-config cleanups and testsuite fixes upstream.
- Sent acpid patches upstream.
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Xubuntu team report for December 2008
Pasi (knome) has been working on drafting Xubuntu artwork guidelines.
Bug Triage
- Bug triage proceeding at a steady pace. Many bugs were triaged this month.
- A high number of bugs were reported upstream.
- Cody, Jannis, Michael, and Pasi all attended the Ubuntu Developer Summit in Mountain View, California
- Cody and Pasi attended FOSSCamp in Mountain View, California.
Substantial amount of work has been done on drafting the Jaunty "Growing the Xubuntu Community" specification.
- Jim, Pasi, and Jannis are brainstorming an idea to work closely with upstream and other distributions to rewrite the upstream documentation.
- Jim has run some scripts to start converting Ubuntu docs to Xubuntu docs. Docs require some cleanup, but it is a good start.
New website parallel to Intrepid release.
Substantial amount of work has been done on drafting the Jaunty "Growing the Xubuntu Community" specification.
Packaging, Development, & Testing
- Alpha 2 released.
Updated xubuntu-meta package to fix armel build failure (Thanks to Sarah Hobbs).
Add libxine1-ffmpeg to recommends for xfmedia.
Michael (NCommander) has begun backport of Xfce 4.4.3 to Intrepid.
Corrected an internationalization issue in en_IN local for Orage where the start/end buttons show the date number, but not the day of the week properly.
- Charlie Kravetz (charlie-tca) appointed to Xubuntu QA lead.
- Charlie (charlie-tca) has been working on improving the testing wiki pages including the Xubuntu test cases.
Cody Somerville (cody-somerville) packaged Sion, a gio/vfs mount manager, from the Xfce4 goodies.
Lionel (mr_pouit) packaged a new upstream release of xfce4-dict (0.5.2) and xfburn (0.4.0).
IRC Council
- Working on setting up regular monthly meetings
Agenda for IRC Council meetings available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/IrcCouncil/MeetingAgenda.
Ubuntu LoCo Teams
LoCo Council
- Mali Team put in contact with French Team to see if French Team could help provide some resources like posters.
- Alan Pope will be sending the Mali Team a hard drive with all the repositories on them.
German Team
- 2008-12-03: ubuntu-berlin user meeting (Stammtischtreffen)
2008-12-09: our regular BugJam at the c-base
2008-12-10: Talk "Einführung in LaTeX unter GNU/Linux" (Introduction to LaTeX - the full story in german language: http://www.ubuntu-berlin.de/node/98)
- 2008-12-11: Tux Origami Workshop
Japanese Team
Translated The Ubuntu Story to Japanese and published on our web site.
- Have Started planning face-to-face meeting ("Offline Meeting Tokyo 9.01") which will be hold on 17th Jan 2009.
- ATOK X3 (propietary Japanese input method software for Linux) supports Ubuntu 8.10 now.
Exhibited at the "Gathering the Linux Distributions" at Rakuten technology conference on 29th Nov.
Interviewd by local magazine "Kantan-Ubuntu"
- Team member have written articles for following local magazines:
Tunisian Team
Ubuntu-tn at the 4th edition of the annual seminar on FOSS Tunisia : abstract
Migration Project of the National Engineering School of Sfax (ENIS) : abstract
6th regular IRC meeting.
United States of America
Chicago Team
- Made initial plans for participation in the February 2009 Global Bug Jam
- Additional planning meeting set for Saturday, January 17th.
- Set tentative 6-month plan for Ubuntu-Chicago Loco activities. Activities to include:
- Bug Jam - February
- Ubuntu and Free Software advocacy activity day - March
Ubuntu-Chicago at "Flourish" FLOSS conference - April (Presenters & Ubuntu-Chicago representation)
Jaunty Release Party & Install Fest - Early May
- Packaging Jam - June
Florida Team
Georgia Team
- Preparing plans and schedules for 2009.
New York Team
- Completed a redesign on the entire team wiki page including the creation of several additional sub-areas and pages.
Held elections for new officers: PrivateVoid was elected Vice President, the-stace was elected treasurer and NewJack was elected to the at-large position for the down state region.
The Newsletter team held two meetings (IRC and SIP) and is on its way to producing the teams first newsletter. The team is being headed by DaraAdib.
A meetup was held at the Barnes & Noble @ RIT in Rochester, NY on December 4th.
- A meetup was held at Potato Republic in New City, NY on December 6th.
- Plans are being finalized for events from January through May including an Open Street Map event and participation in the Global Bug Jam.
Pennsylvania Team
Continued work on NTR Dual Boot Re-Image Project
Conducted meeting on Dec 17 where Global Big Jam plans were discussed
Arizona Team
- Working on installfests to be held at the two major Arizona college campuses. On at U of A in Tucson, and one at ASU in Phoenix.
- Starting work on our second open source state conference(ABLEconf) to be held in 2009.
Tamil Team
Vellore, TamilNadu Intrepid Release
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