
June 2014 Team Reports


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Ubuntu Governance

Community Council

Developer Membership Board


Meeting summary

  • Chair: Laney
  • Present: stgraber, bdrung, ScottK

Review of previous action items

  • Create virt packageset, done by xnox/stgraber. Stéphane then fixed up the team's parameters a bit.

MOTU application: Rohan Garg (shadeslayer)

Forum Council

IRC Council

LoCo Council

Membership Boards

Technical Board

Meeting 2014-06-24:

  • Chair: Steve Langasek
  • Attendees: Martin Pitt, Stéphane Graber
  • Apologies: Adam Conrad, Kees Cook, Marc Deslauriers
  • Action review:
    • No outstanding actions
  • juju-core MRE
    • discussed with Robie Basak the proposal from the list
    • agreed to a provisional MRE, with a +1 from Martin and no objections
    • ACTION: pitti to formally record the provision MRE and follow up to the mailing list.

  • Meeting time
    • AGREED: Next meeting, July 8 @ 1600 UTC

    • AGREED: stgraber is chair for the next meeting

Ubuntu Development Teams

Reviewers Team

Xubuntu Team

  • Team Meetings
  • Team Updates
    • xubuntu-core seed changes have been merged, task is installable now and the package will be installable next xubuntu-meta upload
    • Notes about testing from 6/3 meeting:
      • Very little package testing being done
      • Images currently uninstallable
    • marketing flyer completion is still pending, content is done, we just need to line up sides for printing
    • Image was uninstallable up until 6/10 - nothing has been done, no testing calls went out - normal service appears to have resumed
    • ochosi is working towards replacing light-locker-settings with settings in xfce4-power-manager. Might or might not happen for 14.10 though.
    • bluesabre is preparing to apply for upload-rights to the xubuntu package-set
    • ACTION: Team leads should try to finalize their blueprints for Utopic until the next meeting (in two weeks) so the release-team can ack them.

Ubuntu Studio

Ubuntu LoCo Teams

Argentina Team

Asturian Team

Australian Team

Belgian Team

Cameroonian Team

Canadian Team

  • 14 June 2014 - ImpromptUbuntuHour: A quick get-together at Okonomi House to drop off Ubuntu 14.04 disks for future Toronto Release Parties and Ubuntu Hours. (Photo)

  • 21 June 2014 - LOLUG June 2014 Meetup, London, Ontario

Catalan Team

  • June 10th: Ubuntu and Kubuntu 14.04 Catalan remix ISO created and posted to ubuntu.cat
  • June 5th: Prepared TV News excerpt of Trusty Release Party and posted to flickr and ubuntu.cat: https://flic.kr/p/nDXje1

  • June 1st: irc meeting where the community asses Trusty release party in Lleida, positively in general, but we lack some people.
  • All June: the community discuss the options we have after LoCo Council banned the Catalan LoCo Team from re-verification process. The Community Council has been contacted and we await for news.

China Team

Chilean Team

Ubuntu Colombia

Czech Team

Danish Team

Dutch Team

Ecuador Team

French Team

German Kubuntu Team

Greek Team

Honduras Team

Hungarian Team

Indian Team

Ubuntu Ireland

Ubuntu Israel

Japanese Team

Korean Team

Montenegro Team

Nicaraguan Team

Norwegian team

Philippine Team

  • June 18, 2014 at 6:00PM PHT - Meeting
    • Agenda: 8layer's 2014 Trilogy Open Source Themed events partnership.
    • Meeting logs

Quebec Team

Romanian Team

Russian Team

Serbian Team

* Ubuntu hour - lectures for beginners were held in Belgrade haklab, every Tuesday.

* Sat, 14th June gathering called Be Ubuntu was held in Belgrade haklab.

* Fri, 27th June Ubuntu users hanging out in Belgrade haklab.

* On Saturday 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th June, Administration team meeting was held.

South African Ubuntu team

  • Tue, 24 June: Monthly IRC Meet -- Minutes

Swedish Team

Swiss Team

Ubuntu Tunisian LoCo Team

Ubuntu United Kingdom LoCo Team

United States Teams

US Teams Project

Ubuntu California

Ubuntu Chicago LoCo Team

District of Columbia Team

Florida LoCo Team

Iowa Team

New York State Team

Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team

Ohio Team

Oregon Team

Pennsylvania Team

Virginia Team

Washington Team

Wisconsin Team

Ubuntu Venezuela Team

Zimbabwe Team

Additional Ubuntu Teams

Ubuntu Accessibility Team

Ubuntu Classroom Team

  • Had discussion about upcoming plans for events this cycle

Ubuntu NGO Team

Ubuntu Women Team

TeamReports/June2014 (last edited 2014-07-06 19:10:55 by lyz)