November 2012 Team Reports
If your team is not making team reports, see these guidelines for how to do so.
Ubuntu Governance
Community Council
- Minutes CC meeting 2012-11-15
- Catch-Up with Technical Board
- 12.10 was a slower cycle for the TB
- some teams reached out to the TB to get additional advice, no controversies
- generally organised in a reactive fashion, seems to work out well
- Code of Conduct Update:
- Website and LP should be updated shortly
- announcement text (still need to add DIFF)
- will be sent to mailing lists, blog posts, Ubuntu Weekly News
- Catch-Up with Technical Board
Developer Membership Board
Developer Membership Board meeting, 2012-11-01
Chair: Stéphane Graber
Present: Benjamin Drung, Stefano Rivera, Barry Warsaw, Iain Lane, Micah Gersten
Review of previous action items
micahg to document the zentyal packageset => Carried over
stgraber to delete the netbook/unr/mobile packagesets => Done
micahg to ask docs people if they want to apply for a packageset => Carried over
PerPackageUploader Applications
PerPackageUploader Application: Maarten Lankhorst
The application was discussed and voted on: For: 6 Against: 0 Abstained: 0
A new Xorg packageset was created: And Maarten was added to it as an uploader, welcome!
CoreDeveloper Applications
CoreDeveloper Application: Andy Whitcroft
The application was discussed and voted on: For: 6 Against: 0 Abstained: 0
Andy Whitcroft was added to the Ubuntu Core Development team, welcome!
Next chair: Barry Warsaw (?)
Developer Membership Board meeting, 2012-11-19
Chair: Stefano Rivera
Present: Benjamin Drung, Barry Warsaw, Iain Lane, Stéphane Graber
Review of previous action items
micahg to document the zentyal packageset => Carried over
micahg to ask docs people if they want to apply for a packageset => Carried over
Core Developer Applications
Core Developer Application: Wookey
The application was discussed and voted on: For: 0 Against: 0 Abstained: 4
Wookey's application wasn't accepted. We invite him to re-apply in a couple of months, when he's had some more experience with Ubuntu's stable release processes.
Per-Package Uploader Applications
Per-Package Uploader Application: Dmitry Shachnev
Dmitry applied for upload rights to retext and unity-mail
The application was discussed and voted on: For: 5 Against: 0 Abstained: 0
Dmitry Shachnev was given PPU upload rights to retext and unity-mail and added to the Ubuntu Developers team. Welcome!
Next chair: still Barry Warsaw
Forum Council
IRC Council
LoCo Council
Membership Boards
Technical Board
Ubuntu Development Teams
Reviewers Team
Xubuntu Team
Ubuntu Studio
Ubuntu LoCo Teams
Argentina Team
Asturian Team
Australian Team
Belgian Team
Cameroonian Team
Canadian Team
2 November 2012 - Ubuntu Hour Kitchener (Picture)
22 November 2012 - IRC Meeting for Ubuntu-ca (Minutes and Agenda)
22 November 2012 - Ubuntu Hour Waterloo
Started Wiki page for the Canadian Team ReApproval for 2012
Catalan Team
- November 1st: irc meeting
- November 10th: Ubuntu Quantal Quetzal release party in La Mina, Barcelona.
China Team
Chilean Team
Ubuntu Colombia
Czech Team
- 12.10 Ubuntu Release party in Prague (10th November)
all details are available on our official Czech pages
- presentations:
Tadeáš Pařík and new Ubuntu 12.10
Vojtěch Trefný and Czech community
- Radek Neužil and (Un)Secured network
- Martin Šácha and Text editor XE
- Vítězslav Praks and "Is paradise technically possible?
photo gallery on our Ubuntu Czech Picasa
- IRC meeting with our funs (#ubuntu-cz-meeting)
Vojtěch Trefný on LinuxAlt (conference, Ubuntu stand) in Brno
- preprations for some nice X-mas event in Prague
Danish Team
Dutch Team
The November team report of the Ubuntu Nederland community.
Translation Team
The translation team has recently completed the GUI translations of the most important parts of Quantal Quetzal. The translation of the documentation (Ubuntu help, Ubuntu Desktop manual) is already at 97%. The Precise version of the beginners manual, Getting Started With Ubuntu, is practically finished. This beginners guide has been included in the Ubuntu Software Centre.
Promotion Team
The Promotion Team has been present at T-Dose in Eindhoven (27, 28 October) and at the HCC! Club Days in Den Bosch. The Club Days were very busy and the 100 Ubuntu DVDs were quickly gone. The two Ubuntu introduction lectures had a good turnout. At both T-Dose and HCC! Club Days the team sold Ubuntu NL t-shirts.
Mwanzo Team
Two workshops have been planned: UFW and VMWare. A poll on the forum showed that most of the people are interested in workshops about the server workplace. There are plans for such a workshop. Mwanzobot IRC bot is growing and doing well.
Management Team
Regular maintenance, the ban and spam filters have been updated and cleaned.
Web Team
The website has been updated to 12.10. Unfortunately, the Dutch ISO images have had to be taken offline due to a bug found in them. Small maintenance.
Foundation Support Ubuntu NL
The foundation has sent flyers and DVDs to support the release party in Gouda. The organiser will also receive a t-shirt once his size is known. The release party is using the foundation's party promotion platform.
The t-shirts sold to provide income to the foundation are doing well. Currently sweaters and books are investigated.
Ecuador Team
French Team
Reddit /r/ubuntufr has now more than 42 subscribers \o/
Ubuntu Party Paris ( - )
German Kubuntu Team
Greek Team
Honduras Team
Hungarian Team
Indian Team
Ubuntu Ireland
Ubuntu Israel
Japanese Team
- Event
- We attended Open Source Conference 2012 Aizu.
- Writing
- Ubuntu Magazine Japan Vol.10 (published on 30th Nov)
- Software Design (published on 17th Nov)
- Ubuntu Monthly Report: The mechanism of /etc/resolv.conf automatic updating
- Ubuntu Weekly Topcis
- Ubuntu Weekly Recipe
- Meeting
Korean Team
Montenegro Team
- Ubuntu installation disks disseminating
- Designed and conducted Survey on ICT and open source use in Montenegro schools
Nicaraguan Team
Norwegian team
Philippine Team
Quebec Team
Romanian Team
Russian Team
Serbian Team
* Ubuntu hour - lectures for beginners were held in Belgrade haklab, every Tuesday.
* Lectures about new Ubuntu releases 12.04 and 12.10 held in Belgrade haklab.
* Presentation Ubuntu 12.10 in Belgrade haklab.
* On Saturday 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th November Administration team meeting was held.
South African Ubuntu team
Mon, 19 November: Monthly IRC Meet -- Minutes
Swedish Team
Swiss Team
Ubuntu Tunisian LoCo Team
- Celebration day of the release of ubuntu 12.10 at the "National School of Engineering", Tunis .
Ubuntu United Kingdom LoCo Team
United States Teams
US Teams Project
Ubuntu California
- Team Meetings
- Ubuntu Hours
Nov 25th event: Let's Build Some 12.04 Desktops! in San Mateo
Announced results from team leadership election: Elizabeth Krumbach, Grant Bowman, Philip Ballew
Announced t-shirt design contest
Ubuntu Chicago LoCo Team
District of Columbia Team
Florida LoCo Team
Iowa Team
New York State Team
Team Events:
- LaTeX, personal movie library and jukebox and Ubuntu TV on Thursday, 15 Nov. 2012 at 19:00 EST
- Hands on Linux Lab on Saturday, 17 Nov. 2012 at 12:00 EST
Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team
Ohio Team
Oregon Team
Pennsylvania Team
Virginia Team
Washington Team
Wisconsin Team
Ubuntu Venezuela Team
Zimbabwe Team
Additional Ubuntu Teams
Ubuntu Accessibility Team
Ubuntu Beginners Team
Ubuntu Classroom Team
Nov 1: Ran "Community IRC Workshops and Classrooms" session at UDS-R, blueprint
Sent Invitation to host Quality training events in Ubuntu Classroom
Ubuntu NGO Team
Ubuntu Women Team
Team Meeting November 13th
New banner for social media sites (details