
  • Technical Board meeting, 2009-10-06
    • Review actions from last meeting
      • Keybuk to find Bdale at LinuxCon to hash out participation: done; Bdale will watch a few meetings, then have a discussion. He is on the TB mailing list now.

      • kees to drive sun-java6 email thread and get resolution on responsibility: Neil is soliciting migration plans; needs to be discussed in-depth at next UDS; Colin made a note about handling it in the foundations track

      • cjwatson to drive DMB email thread to conclusion: followup happened, voting is ongoing

      • Keybuk to finalize unit policy and email to TB for vote: deferred

      • cjwatson to drive vote on Archive Reorg rights for ubuntu-desktop and mythbuntu in email: Blocked on DMB email thread conclusion, deferred

    • Archive reorganization:
    • Naming of new packages:
      • mdz raised the problem that newly created projects often change their name shortly after they get introduced to the wide audience (example: software-store → software-center, espresso → ubiquity); is there a possible process enhancement for this?
      • Keybuk: renaming packages later is better than introducing packages later (and getting fewer feedback)
      • pitti: does not happen often enough to be a major concern
      • cjwatson: we don't need to do this for packages that aren't really significantly user-visible
      • mdz will come back with a list of packages which were renamed and how much developer effort was wasted, to see whether any followup is required
    • core-dev application process
      • TB → DMB application handling is currently in flux, and there were objections against the proposed process
      • DMB meeting next Tuesday 1400 UTC to settle on a process
    • Select a chair for the next meeting
      • Keybuk
    • Actions from this meeting:
      • Keybuk to finalize unit policy and email to TB for vote
      • cjwatson to drive vote on Archive Reorg rights for ubuntu-desktop and mythbuntu in email
      • pitti to announce DMB meeting next Tuesday 1400
  • Technical Board meeting, 2009-10-20
    • Review actions from last meeting
      • Keybuk to finalize unit policy and email to TB for vote
        • See agenda item.
      • cjwatson to drive vote on Archive Reorg rights for ubuntu-desktop
        • and mythbuntu in email
        • This has been done.
      • pitti to announce DMB meeting next Tuesday 1400
        • This was done.
    • Developer Membership Board
      • The inaugural meeting took place last week, and meetings will take place every two weeks thereafter as required. ACTION (continued): jono to review and update governance documentation to reflect that the DMB is now handling developer applications, not the TB
    • Units Policy
      • https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UnitsPolicy General consensus on the draft policy has been reached, with a note that the exception section could do with being less rules-based and merely granted to the traditional tools such as df and du, perhaps directly by name. ACTION: Keybuk to drive units policy to completion and vote by e-mail

    • EC2 image updates
      • https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2009-September/028954.html Discussion of Scott Moser's draft proposal for providing updated EC2 kernel (AKI), ramdisk (ARI) and filesystem (AMI) images on a regular basis throughout the cycle. It was agreed that an update to the kernel requires all three images to be updated, and that an update to either the ramdisk or filesystem needs those two images to be updated. The schedule was agreed to be based on the time to download the updates not included in a new image (which users need to configure themselves currently), and based on security issues. These updated images will be provided throughout the support cycle for the given release. ACTION: Scott Moser to dedraft from an RFC to a policy ACTION: Scott Moser to continue working on a system to find the right root filesystem

    • Community Bugs: none this week
    • Next meeting: Keybuk and cjwatson are unable to attend the next meeting, mdz may not be able to attend
    • Chair for next meeting: SABDFL

TechnicalBoard/TeamReports/09/October (last edited 2009-10-20 15:11:52 by halo)