
  • Technical Board meeting, 2009-09-08
    • Debian technical committee participation in techboard
      • Bdale Garbee has put himself forward to participate and help define the role
      • ACTION received: cjwatson to respond to Bdale, make arrangements for him to participate
    • Java SRU policy
    • Removal of sun-java6 from Karmic
      • Passed: remove sun-java6 from karmic in favor of openjdk-6, contingent on approval from the maintainer (Matthias Klose).
      • ACTION received: kees to confirm removal of sun-java6 with doko
    • Developer Membership Board
      • Scott has set up the appropriate teams in Launchpad
      • The DMB now needs to be communicated, and start doing the work of processing membership applications
      • ACTION received: cjwatson to announce DMB to MC, -devel announce
      • Action: jono to update documentation
    • Archive reorganisation (Colin Watson)
      • Colin had a couple of minor items to confirm with the TB before throwing the switch on package sets
      • Ubuntu package sets are now implemented in Launchpad
    • Community bugs (none)
    • select a chair for the next meeting (kees)
  • Technical Board meeting, 2009-09-22
    • reviewed actions from last meeting
      • ACTION: Keybuk to find Bdale at LinuxCon to hash out participation

    • Removal of sun-java6
      • Based on feedback all around, it was agreed that it is still early for sun-java6 to be dropped. However, it was not yet clear if responsibility for the package should be changed.
      • ACTION: kees to drive sun-java6 email thread and get resolution on responsibility
    • Developer Membership Board
      • Striking the right balance between openness and privacy combined with the desire to not change existing processes too radically continues to be a non-trivial issue.
      • ACTION: cjwatson to drive DMB email thread to conclusion
    • Discuss UnitsPolicy

      • Excepting some clarifications to the language surrounding file sizes, the Policy is nearly ready.
      • ACTION: Keybuk to finalize unit policy and email to TB for vote
    • Community Bugs (none)
    • Archive reorganisation (Colin Watson)
      • There was general agreement that team admins have been delegated the responsibility to grant upload privileges, but that how they choose developers is not entirely clear.
      • Daniel expressed a concern that team admins should follow a standard transparent process when dealing with applicants.
      • Scott proposed having it split into "application" (standard) and "approval" (up to the admin)
      • Martin proposed that the TB would approve a set of possible application processes an admin could choose from.
      • ACTION: cjwatson to drive vote on Archive Reorg rights for ubuntu-desktop and mythbuntu in email
    • Select a chair for next meeting (pitti)

TechnicalBoard/TeamReports/09/September (last edited 2009-09-22 15:22:45 by c-76-105-156-82)