
  • Technical Board meeting, 2010-01-12 (chair cjwatson)
    • Prior action review, leaves the following still to do:
      • [ACTION] kees to follow up with Debian TC on units policy
      • [ACTION] cjwatson to follow up with mythbuntu-dev to get
        • ubuntu-core-dev added
      • [ACTION] ScottK to update Kubuntu/UpdatesPolicy based on Kubuntu
      • [ACTION] sabdfl to propose to CC that the TB is a CC delegate, and
        • clarify his role
    • Units Policy
      • We discussed briefly whether to recommend that developers go ahead
        • with implementation in advance of feedback from the Debian TC. The majority of the board preferred to wait for at least a while, since we've requested feedback and should wait for it, and since the benefit may not outweigh the cost of carrying another stack of patches.
      • Check back on status next meeting.
    • When is it a good idea to fail out of a maintainer script?
      • While there is loose agreement that "something ought to be done"
        • about this, the technical options are not yet clear enough to decide something at the TB level. Shelving for the moment; mdz will bring this up on ubuntu-devel if and when he gets the chance to put together some detailed options.
    • Execute Permission Policy (KeesCook)

      • After some discussion, the TB ratified this policy
    • Check up on community bugs (standing item)
      • The only item already has an associated action.
    • Next meeting is 2010-01-26. Chair: Keybuk
  • Technical Board meeting, 2010-01-26 (chair kees)
    • Prior action review, leaves the following still to do:
      • [ACTION] ScottK to update Kubuntu/UpdatesPolicy based on Kubuntu
      • [ACTION] sabdfl to propose to CC that the TB is a CC delegate, and
        • clarify his role
      • Archive reorganisation (cjwatson)
        • persia mentioned that he handled "Update Ubuntu developer and process documentation to reflect changes" task
        • [ACTION] persia to update documentation with anything discovered to be missing
      • Kubuntu/UpdatesPolicy
        • still waiting on Kubuntu upstream
      • Units Policy
        • waiting to hear back from Debian TC
      • Check up on community bugs (standing item)
        • Waiting on update from sabdfl.
    • Next meeting is 2010-02-09. Chair: Keybuk

TechnicalBoard/TeamReports/10/January (last edited 2010-01-26 16:39:15 by c-76-105-168-175)