
Meeting of the TB, 2010-06-01

  • Attendees
    • Chair: Keybuk
    • Present: kees, mdz, pitti, sabdfl
    • Review of Actions
      • Keybuk had sent draft mail to TB about sparc and ia64 ports, no objections were received, so the board carried and keybuk will send the mail
    • Chromium standing FFe
      • The board discussed a standing Feature Freeze Exception for Chromium, however since the package has not yet had any SRUs, it was decided that this should be deferred until a reasonable (Kees suggested 3) number had been completed. Martin Pitt will re-raise this once he feels it has proven it's worth an exception.
    • Community Bugs
      • The board resolved that the issue of ubuntu-drivers many roles should be a medium-priority bug, and should be fed back to the Launchpad team as part of the usual process
    • Chair for next meeting: cjwatson

Meeting of the TB, 2010-06-15

  • Attendees
    • Chair: cjwatson
    • Present: kees, Keybuk, mdz, pitti, sabdfl
  • Action review
    • The board resolved that the issue of ubuntu-drivers many roles should be a medium-priority bug, and should be fed back to the Launchpad team as part of the usual process
      • mdz passed this to Marjo for the next Launchpad stakeholders meeting
  • Review StableReleaseUpdates policy of contacting the Technical Board regarding regressions (mdz)

    • The directions in StableReleaseUpdates were suboptimal in various ways. They suggested e-mailing the TB for regressions, which is not necessarily the most helpful immediate point of contact. They were also unclear that only regressions in -updates need urgent escalation, not regressions in -proposed.

    • The board discussed appropriate targets for escalation, agreeing that ~ubuntu-archive would be appropriate, since they have the most useful set of technical authorisations, and that there should be a factoid in the #ubuntu-devel channel bot to contact the relevant set of people. cjwatson and pitti took actions to implement this.

  • Selection of the Linaro GCC for other architectures (doko)
    • The Linaro project is expected to use a toolchain drop from CodeSourcery rather than an FSF release of GCC, and would like to explore the extent to which work can be shared with mainline Ubuntu, either on the armel architecture alone or on all architectures. Matthias Klose, as Ubuntu toolchain maintainer, asked for the board's advice.

    • The board was divided on this issue. Opinions expressed by individual board members included:
      • We should use the CS patchset only on armel, in order to reduce the risk of bug reports on x86 being rejected by (FSF) upstream.
      • We should use the CS patchset on all architectures to help accelerate the upstreaming of those patches.
      • We should provide the FSF and CS versions as separate packages, in order to make it easier to switch between them, perhaps even on a package-by-package basis (however, we need to pick one or the other for run-time libraries such as libgcc and libstdc++).
      • We have made it clear that we expect CS to cover cross-architecture fallout as part of the Linaro work.
      • We should run a test rebuild with the CS patchset and analyse the output before taking any significant decision.
      • The primary risks seem to be on deprecated architectures which are of less concern to us.
    • The board did not take a final decision, but will wait for the results of a test rebuild.
  • Scan the mailing list archive for anything we missed
  • Check up on community bugs (standing item)
    • The only open bug was the ubuntu-drivers bug discussed earlier.
  • Chair for next meeting: kees

Meeting of the TB, 2010-06-29

  • Attendees
    • Chair: kees
    • Present: mdz, cjwatson, kees, pitti, keybuk, sabdfl
  • Action review
    • cjwatson to write up minutes from prior meeting
    • pitti reworded StableReleaseUpdates to indicate that panic button only applies to -updates

    • pitti added !regression-alert factoid
    • pitti removed "mail TB" step from SRU docs
    • cjwatson opened RT ticket for spam-cleaning technical-board@ archives
  • Scan the mailing list archive for anything we missed
    • nothing new
  • Community Bugs
    • [ACTION] kees to check up on scheduling of 174375 with bdmurray
  • Other Business
    • [ACTION] mdz to follow up with doko on toolchain, ix86 performance
  • Chair for next meeting: Keybuk

TechnicalBoard/TeamReports/10/June (last edited 2010-07-12 16:57:25 by 82-69-40-219)