
  • Meeting 2011-05-19
    • Chair: Mark Shuttleworth
    • Present: Colin Watson, Kees Cook, Martin Pitt, Scott James Remnant
    • Apologies:
    • Guests: Micah Gersten
    • action review
      • Rick Spencer had raised the Unity-by-default decision for discussion. The desktop team was supportive of the decision, but there was a lack of clarity as to whether they had, or needed, the support of the TB for it. Some clarification of the natural boundaries of responsibility between TB, Release, Desktop and Server teams was discussed, the feeling being that TB should normally allow those teams to make such decisions, except in exceptional circumstances which affect multiple teams (upstart was given as an example).
      • MDZ was working on a series of Debian-related bugs, which are either fixed or now being tracked as part of DEX.
    • Status of Lubuntu
      • Approved as official Ubuntu project, pending additional space on (in progress)
      • No announcement but Lubuntu free to act as official project
      • Thanks and congrats to Lubuntu team!
    • Ffmpeg vs libav
      • [ACTION] Kees to invite Siretart to comment to TB on TB list, or private if appropriate.
    • Follow-up on Ubuntu bug 451390 in ubuntu-community "limited upload rights no longer give series nomination accept/decline rights" [Undecided,New]
      • Confirmed fixed
    • TB will appoint a community representative to the LP Stakeholders meeting. Persia to see if Bryce is willing to serve in that capacity.
    • Scan the mailing list archive for anything we missed (standing item)
      • Only item is Evan Dandrea's question around the installer, agreed to let that percolate on-list.
    • Check up on community bugs (standing item)
      • bug 252368 in Launchpad itself "Automatically associate DD and DM accounts with GPG keys in keyring packages" [Low,Triaged] will be raised in the next LP stakeholders meeting
    • Select a chair for the next meeting
      • mdz selected, next meeting is 2 June

TechnicalBoard/TeamReports/11/May (last edited 2011-05-24 11:50:48 by loquat)