
Meeting 2012-03-05:

  • Chair: Colin Watson
  • Attendees: Matt Zimmerman, Soren Hansen, Stéphane Graber
  • Ubuntu Studio LTS Plan Proposal
  • Opening backports pre-release (redux)
  • AOB
    • There was some follow-up discussion regarding who should be responsible for fixing issues with backports uploads carried over to the subsequent development release. Various people suggested various targets, but there seemed to be an informal consensus that uploading a pre-release backport should constitute a promise to deal with the upload to the development release once it opens.
    • Soren agreed to send mail regarding meeting time changes.
  • Next meeting is 2012-03-19.

Meeting 2012-03-19:

  • Chair: Kees Cook
  • Attendees: Matt Zimmerman, Soren Hansen, Stéphane Graber, Colin Watson
  • Action review
    • Soren agreed to send mail regarding meeting time changes from the prior meeting.
  • Brain storm review
    • Kees will send email proposing a regular per-devel-cycle time for this to be due.
  • AOB
    • mdz will be chair for the next meeting.
  • Next meeting is 2012-04-02.

TechnicalBoard/TeamReports/12/March (last edited 2012-03-19 21:30:21 by kees)