Meeting 2014-05-12:
- Chair: Martin Pitt
- Attendees: Adam Conrad, Marc Deslauriers
- Apologies: Stéphane Graber, Steve Langasek, Kees Cook
- Action review:
Steve to work with SRU team to get a list of how the provisional MREs have/haven't been used: DONE
- Mark's "Matters approaching"
- Not a good meeting IRC topic, reminder to follow up via email
- Will also be discussed at Malta sprint
- Review our current "provisional" Micro Release Exceptions
- The TB reviewed the current list based on Brian Murray's errors/LP bugs analysis
ACTION:: pitti to follow up with Maarten Lankhorst about the mesa MRE; it caused regressions (UbuntuBug:1134974) which haven't been triaged, and in general this package is almost impossible to regression test on the world's hardware. Is this still a requirement? If not, we would like to drop this MRE.
ACTION: Adam to review the reported bugs from vlc updates (which are most probably not regressions)
ACTION: Martin to review the reported bugs from LibO updates and check whether there are definite/likely regressions
AGREED: All other provisional MREs have a good track record of actually being used and no reported regressions (caveat: apport doesn't auto-report on servers) and will be turned into full MREs.
- Meeting time: Still being discussed via email
TechnicalBoard/TeamReports/14/May (last edited 2014-05-12 21:04:26 by pitti)