
Work in Progress

Testing Testdrive

Testing with KVM

Launching ISO's

  • First, we need to test against a Local ISO.

testdrive -u local.iso
  • Second, we need to test against a Remote ISO.

testdrive -u rzync://path/to/remote.iso
  • Third, we need to test it against a Local Image.

testdrive -u local-image.img

Use of different config files


Testing with VirtualBox

* First, we need to test against a Local ISO.

testdrive -u local.iso
  • Second, we need to test against a Remote ISO.

testdrive -u rzync://path/to/remote.iso
  • Third, we need to test it against a Local Image.

It does not yet support this feature

Testing Testdrive Front-end

TestdriveFrontend/Testing (last edited 2010-05-24 01:11:23 by c-76-110-128-134)