
Revision 40 as of 2009-03-26 16:13:53

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How to run the tests

Some easy steps to run the tests:

  • Enable the Assistive Technologies (System -> Preferences -> Assistive Technologies)

    • assistive.png

  • Restart your GNOME session (log out and log in again)
  • Install python-ldtp package (in universe).
  • Get the latest tests from the Bazaar repository:
    • bzr branch lp:ubuntu-desktop-testing
  • Go the newly created folder and run ./bin/ubuntu-desktop-test. That will run ALL the available tests.

ubuntu-desktop-test syntax

Usage: ubuntu-desktop-test [OPTIONS]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l FILE, --log=FILE   The file to write the log to.
                        One of debug, info, warning, error or critical.
                        Application name to test. Option can be repeated and
                        defaults to all applications
  -s SUITE, --suite=SUITE
                        Suite name to test within applications. Option can be
                        repeated and default to all suites
  -f FILE, --file=FILE  XML file name of the suite to test within
  -t FILE, --target=FILE
                        Target directory for logs and reports. Defaults to:
  -c CASE, --case=CASE  Test cases to run (all, if not specified).


By default, logs are written at ~/.ubuntu-desktop-test. This folder can be changed using the -t option (see above).

Two different logs are written per test:

  • A XML file, easier to parse.
  • A HTML file, better for reporting.

Applications with some test coverage

  • /ubuntu-menu. Related to the Ubuntu menu located at the gnome-panel.

  • /update-manager. Set of test cases related to the Update Manager application.

  • /gedit. Set of test cases related to the Gedit application.

  • /seahorse. Set of test cases related to the GNOME password manager application.

Testing Package

The python package 'desktoptesting' will contain classes and modules to make the writing of new tests easier to the community. Also it will separate the things that need to be maintain, from the test cases themselves.

Integration with other tools

Next steps

  1. Extend the coverage.

Blockers and open questions

  • Some of the applications does not have the correct accessibility information, which it is used by LDTP to recognize the objects. A list of this applications can be found at ../AtspiBlockers