
A call for testing is meant to call attention to a particular piece of software for testing over a short time-frame in order to confirm and resolve and bugs and ready for general consumption. The QA community can install and test your software for bugs and usability and provide bug reports and feedback using the qatracker.

What do I get?

As a developer, you will get consolidated feedback on how many people tested, the bugs reported, and any comments they may have left while testing. In addition, you will be able to see this for each of your versions of the software. This allows you to spot regressions and confirm fixes between versions.

What does it look like?

Have a look at the Kernel testing as an example. Let's point out the different pieces:

Quick summary of all the versions of the software, number of testers and bugs found (rollover the bugs to get additional details)

Testcases for the software. Notice the link to the installation instructions and bug reporting instructions. Also notice also the changelog showing the changes in this version at the top

Detailed results for the specifc version selected. Notice the usernames of the tester, bugs, the pass/fail indications and comments

A list of bugs, and more information about bug status found for each piece of software under test

Finally, here's information on how the users will use the site to submit results.

What do I need to do?

Coordinate with Nicholas Skaggs to setup a tracker for your software. In order for a call for testing to work, the following will need to be addressed:

Then what happens?

With those prerequisites completed, the QA community coordinator will verify the application, tests and the ppa. A new milestone for your package will be created and and the link will be provided back to you. A wide call for testing will go out to the greater ubuntu community, and users will utilize the tracker to report results.


As results come in, the tracker will update to reflect the number of contributors, what tests are passing or failing, and what bugs are reported. Everything is public and available via the tracker. See the 'What does it look like?' section above.

Testing/CallforTesting (last edited 2013-04-25 18:45:07 by adsl-98-70-42-80)