Approved Trademark Policy Users
The Ubuntu trademark is owned by Canonical Ltd and Canonical plays an important responsibility in ensuring fair and open access to the trademark as well as protecting it for everyone. To help achieve this we are asking those stores who are selling Ubuntu merchandise that falls within our trademark policy to ensure they have a trademark license (which Canonical send free of charge) and add themselves to this list. This will ensure we have a list of stores who are following the trademark policy and make it easier to protect the trademark from those who don't respect the policy's generous terms.
Store Name |
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Primary Contact(s) |
Date Of Approval |
Proposed: Those Requesting a Trademark License
If you are running a store and would like to get a Trademark License from Canonical so you can be fully approved, simply do the following:
Send an email to with the following:
- The name of your store
- A link to it online
- If your store meets the trademark policy requirements, we will send you a trademark license document free of charge via email.
Store Name |
Location |
Primary Contact(s) |
Date Of Approval |
Trademarks/Approved (last edited 2009-06-19 20:51:14 by 76)