This page describes the language pack release schedule for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Language pack updates are placed in the regular update repositories according to a fixed schedule, provided they have been properly tested and signed off on.
Language pack testing and updates for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
The table below describes the schedule for language pack testing and updating. All language pack release dates are an integer number of weeks apart, in order to create a predictable week pattern work flow. The week pattern is as follows:
- Proposed language packs are placed in the proposed repository on Thursdays
- The testing deadlines are on Wednesday
- Tested language packs are released on Thursdays
Date |
Work Item Iteration |
Status |
Notes |
April 2016 |
April 21st |
June 2016 |
June 30th: 1400 UTC |
Proposed lang-pack-update placed in the -proposed repository, testing begins |
First language pack update cycle |
July 2016 |
July 13th: 1400 UTC |
Testing deadline |
July 14th |
Tested language pack updates are released |
July 21st |
October 2016 |
October 13th |
October 20th: 1400 UTC |
Proposed lang-pack-update placed in the -proposed repository, testing begins |
Second language pack update cycle |
October 26th: 1400 UTC |
Testing deadline |
October 27th |
Tested language pack updates are released |
January 2018 |
January 11th: 1400 UTC |
Proposed lang-pack-update placed in the -proposed repository, testing begins |
Third language pack update cycle |
January 24th: 1400 UTC |
Testing deadline |
January 25th |
Tested language pack updates are released |
February 2018 |
February 15th |
July 2018 |
July 12th: 1400 UTC |
Proposed lang-pack-update placed in the -proposed repository, testing begins |
Fourth language pack update cycle |
July 25th: 1400 UTC |
Testing deadline |
July 26th |
Tested language pack updates are released |
August 2018 |
August 2nd |
Translations/XenialXerus/ReleaseSchedule (last edited 2018-07-25 17:29:38 by gunnarhj)